Key New Features in Maple 17

The Möbius Project
Many additions and improvements in Maple 17 support the easy creation and sharing of interactive Math Apps through The Möbius Project.
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Advanced Code Editor
A completely new code editor provides syntax highlighting, automatic indenting, and more, making code development even easier.
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Embedded Video
A new video component enables rich Maple documents that include video, and can even trigger actions as the video plays.
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Signal Processing
Maple 17 offers new signal processing tools for analyzing and manipulating data in the frequency and time domains.
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Group Theory
An extensive new package provides over 150 commands for constructing groups, examining their properties, performing operations, and visualization.
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Math Apps
More than 45 additional Math Apps engage students through the exploration of math and science concepts using interactive demonstrations.
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Clickable Math: Smart Popups and Drag-to-Solve
Maple 17 builds on the Smart Popups and Drag-to-Solve technology first introduced in Maple 16, offering new operations, visual improvements, and more.
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One-Step App Creation
The Explore command, which provides a quick and easy way to create interactive applications, has been expanded so that it can be used to create even more apps with just a single command.
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Ease of Use Enhancements
Maple 17 includes a variety of enhancements to help ensure that new users are immediately productive while experienced users have the tools and flexibility they need to work efficiently.
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Language and Programming
Updates to the language and programming tools provide increased flexibility for many programming tasks.
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Advanced Mathematics
Maple 17 offers numerous advancements in a variety of branches of mathematics that push the frontiers of mathematical knowledge and Maple's capabilities.
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Maple contains a wealth of functionality for doing statistics which have been further expanded in Maple 17.
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Differential Geometry
Enhanced functionality and improved efficiency supports the investigation of even more problems in differential geometry.
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Substantial improvements to the Physics package further enhance Maple's state-of-the-art environment for algebraic computations in physics.
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Control Design
Control design tools for the analysis of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems have been enhanced to become even more flexible.
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Plotting improvements in Maple 17 make it even easier to create simple and complex visualizations.
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Multivariate Calculus for Students
The Student package for teaching and learning multivariate calculus has been expanded to provide flexible tools for exploring problems involving lines and planes.
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Essay Tools
Maple 17 includes a new package for linguistic analysis and grading of essays, which uses a scoring model that measures dozens of properties.
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Maple Player
As part of The Möbius Project, the free Maple Player is now more powerful and can be used to work with any interactive Math App and view any Maple document.
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Customer Wish List
Many improvements in Maple 17 are the direct result of specific requests from customers, including a number of small but important changes that enhance the overall user experience.
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