Chapter 3: Applications of Differentiation
Section 3.8: Optimization
Example 3.8.11
A can in the shape of a right-circular cylinder, fashioned from a rectangle rolled into a cylinder and disks welded at the top and bottom, must have volume . What are the dimensions of the least-cost can if the side costs per square inch and the top and bottom cost per square inch?
Figure 3.8.11(a) animates rolling a rectangular sheet of material into a cylinder.
If the radius of the resulting cylinder is , then the circumference (and hence, the width of the sheet) is .
Of course, the height of the cylinder is the height of the rectangle, say, .
The volume of the cylinder is then , which is a constraint on the objective function, itself the total cost of construction.
use plots, plottools in
export F;
local p1,p2;
end proc:
end module:
end use:
Figure 3.8.11(a) Animation: rectangle to cylinder
The objective function is the total cost, .
Solve the constraint equation for so that the cost function is then or
Analytic Solution
Initialize and define the cost function
Tools≻Load Package: Real Domain
Loading RealDomain
Context Panel: Assign Function
Obtain the critical number
Write and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Solve≻Obtain Solutions for≻
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻
Unload the Real Domain package
Tools≻Unload Package: Real Domain
Unloading RealDomain
Apply the Second-Derivative test
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Evaluate at a Point≻
( ⇒ is a relative minimum)
Obtain the minimum cost
Write and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Simplify≻Assuming Positive
Define so that the dimensions minimizing cost are
= =
= = =
Figure 3.8.11(b) shows how the shape of a can with varies as the relative costs vary. For , the can looks like a mailing tube, so for the sake of the image all such values of are set to .
Figure 3.8.11(b) How relative cost affects shape of can
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