Chapter 3: Applications of Differentiation
Section 3.8: Optimization
Example 3.8.5
Which point on the graph of , , is closest to the point ?
The slider attached to Figure 3.8.5(a) varies the location of the point , and shows the line segment between that point and .
As the point traverses the graph of , the value of , the distance between that point and is displayed beneath the graph.
With care, and relative to the pixel density on the display device, it is possible to estimate that there are three relative minima, one of which is the absolute minimum.
These minima are approximately 7, 1.8, and 1.6; the corresponding critical numbers are approximately , and . Hence, the absolute minimum of approximately 1.6 occurs near .
Figure 3.8.5(a) Distance from to graph of
The square of the distance between and is given by
Minimizing the square of the distance is equivalent, but computationally simpler, than minimizing the distance itself.
A graph of is given in Figure 3.8.5(b). The two relative minima, and the relative maximum are clearly visible.
The implied constraints are contained in the finite domain, namely, .
Figure 3.8.5(b) Graph of
Numeric Solution
Numeric solution via Context Panel
Form a sequence of the objective function (distance) and the constraint equation (curve).
Context Panel: Optimization≻ Minimize (local)
The return consists of a list with two objects. The first object is the optimal value of the objective function; the second, a list of the parameter values giving this extreme value.
Numeric Solution via the Optimization Assistant
Form a sequence of the objective function (distance)and the constraint equation (curve).
Context Panel:
Optimization≻Optimization Assistant
(The Optimization Assistant launches with the objective function and constraint equation inserted into the appropriate fields.)
In the Options section, select Minimize
Click the Solve button. (See Figure 3.8.5(c).)
Click the Quit button to exit the Optimization Assistant and have it write the Solution to the underlying worksheet.
to launch the Optimization Assistant with the data embedded.
Figure 3.8.5(c) Solution by Optimization Assistant
Analytic Solution
Define and the objective function
Context Panel: Assign Function
Context Panel: Assign Function
Obtain the critical numbers
Figure 3.8.5(d) contains a graph of . The critical numbers for are the zeros of , and those zeros are the -intercepts in Figure 3.8.5(d).
From Figure 3.8.5(d), the critical numbers are near and 0, and between 2 and 3.
f := sinh(x)-x*exp(-3*x);
Figure 3.8.5(d) Graph of
Tools≻Load Package: Student Calculus 1
Loading Student:-Calculus1
Write the equation and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Student Calculus1≻Solve≻Find Roots
Complete Roots dialog as per Figure 3.8.5(e).
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻
(Individual critical numbers can then be referenced as .)
Figure 3.8.5(e) Roots dialog
Apply the Second-Derivative test
Calculate at the critical numbers and at the endpoints
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
= Relative minimum
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
= Relative maximum
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
= Relative minimum
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
= Absolute maximum
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
= Relative maximum
Useful Commands
The CriticalPoints command in the Student Calculus1 package will return all zeros of the first derivative in a specified interval. The numeric option allows it to find such zeros numerically.
The fsolve command computes numerically all zero of a polynomial equation. For a transcendental equation it returns just one solution, either in a specified interval, or at the end of a Newton iteration starting from a given initial value. This latter is the behavior of the "Solve Numerically from point" option in the Context Panel for Solve.
The Roots, CriticalPoints, and InflectionPoints commands in the Student Calculus1 package will return all zeros of the underlying equations. Unfortunately, Context Panel access to these more powerful and useful commands has not yet been provided.
Tools≻Load Package: Student Calculus 1
Loading Student:-Calculus1
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