Chapter 3: Applications of Differentiation
Section 3.8: Optimization
Example 3.8.14
Find the length of the longest ladder that can be carried horizontally around the corner of the passageway shown in Figure 3.8.14(a). (The horizontal and vertical segments, corridors of widths and , respectively, are at right angles to each other.)
Hint: The longest ladder that can be carried around the corner at point is the shortest line segment from to that also passes through .
Hint: Angles and are equal because they are corresponding interior angles of the parallel lines and .
Figure 3.8.14(a) Ladder in right-angled corridor
Figure 3.8.14(b) animates the passage of a ladder through the corridors. The accompanying slider controls the angle (see Figure 3.8.14(a)) measured in degrees. As the slider is moved, the corresponding value of , the length of the ladder, is displayed. As or , the length of the ladder becomes arbitrarily large, but of course, such large ladders would not fit around the corner of the passageway. Hence, it is the length of the shortest segment that determines the length of the longest ladder that can be brought around the corner of the passageway.
Figure 3.8.14(c) is a graph of against the angle , measured in degrees. For the particular values of and used in Figure 3.8.14(b), there appears to be a minimum value for near .
Figure 3.8.14(b) Slider-controlled animation
Figure 3.8.14(c) Graph of
From Figure 3.8.14(a), , so that .
Analytic Solution
Define the objective function
Context Panel: Assign Function
Find critical numbers
Write the equation and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Solve≻Obtain Solutions for≻
Context Panel: Conversions≻To List
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻
Evaluate for the real value of
Write and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Simplify≻Assuming Positive
Additional manipulations (performed by hand) put the length of the longest ladder into the form .
Alternate Solution
An alternate solution can be constructed along the following lines. Let point in Figure 3.8.14(a) be the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system. Then the equation of the green line representing the ladder is , where , the slope of the line, is to be determined. The intersection of this line with is the point ; the intersection with the vertical line is the point , where is taken as positive.
The length of the segment is then . The equation has multiple solutions for ; the appropriate real, positive solution gives .
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