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Graphics Improvements in Maple 10


Maple 10 includes the following graphics improvements.


Note: To view plots immediately, open this help page as a worksheet and execute the worksheet. (Standard Worksheet interface only.)


Click the Open as Worksheet icon.


New Plotting Options

Interactive Plot Builder Improvements

New Plotting Options


Three new options, axis, gridlines and glossiness are available for the plotting commands.  These options are available only for the Standard Worksheet.


The axis option can be used with 2-D and 3-D plotting commands, such as plot and plot3d to specify information about one or more axes.  This allows you to change the axis color, add grid lines (for 2-D plots only), and use logarithmic scaling. For additional features and information on how to use the axis option, see the  plot/axis help page.



plot(10^x, x=0.1..1, axis[1]=[mode=log, color=blue, gridlines]);


The gridlines option provides an easy way to display default grid lines on a plot without having to use the axis option, described above.  This option is available for 2-D plotting only.  For more information, see the plot/option help page.



plot([sin(t), cos(t), t=0..2*Pi], gridlines);


The glossiness option can be used with 3-D plotting commands, such as plot3d to control the amount of light reflected from a plotted surface.  This option requires the specification of a point light source.  For more information, see the plot3d/option help page.



plot3d(sin(x)*cos(y), x=-3..3, y=-3..3, lightmodel=light4, glossiness=0.8);

Interactive Plot Builder Improvements


The interactive plot builder has been modified to accept the previously-described new plot options. For information on the plot builder, see worksheet/interactive/plot.

See Also

Index of New Maple 10 Features


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