CAD Link Assistant
A new CAD Link Assistant allows for communication with CAD applications to read and modify the scalar properties of a model. The CAD Link Assistant is available on Windows(R) operating systems only. To open the CAD Link Assistant, go to Tools > Assistants > CAD Link...
Color Picker
The toolbar items for changing the foreground and background color of text have been enhanced. You can now select a color from a predefined set of colors, choose from a RGB wheel of colors, increase or decrease the RGB levels, or select a color from an existing color within the Maple interface. For details and instructions for the new color picker, see drawingtools.
Code Edit Region
The Code Edit Region lets you enter Maple procedures within a confined region. You can execute the procedure and then collapse the region to suppress the Maple code. Advancing the cursor within the Code Edit Region is done by pressing the Enter key. Collapsing, expanding, and executing procedures within this region are done using the context-sensitive menu. For more information, see CodeEditRegion.
Command Completion Templates
Command completion has been extended to include templates for calling sequences.
Command Completion in Maple 11
Command Completion in Maple 12
Document Layout Templates
Several new Task Templates have been added for creating professional Maple documents. Templates include technical reports, design specifications documents, and an interactive application. They make use of documentation features such as tables, sections, bookmarks, hyperlinks, and headers and footers to help you create a custom document including both Maple computations and text. To access a list of these templates, from the Tools menu, select Tasks > Browse and open the Document Layout tab.
Embedded Component Enhancements
Sliders support floating point tickmark values and spacing. See the Slider Component help page.
Actions can now be performed using the Plot Component. An action can be performed when a 2-D plot is clicked, dragged, or when the drag ends. More information is available at Plot Component.
Exploration Assistant
The Exploration Assistant lets you explore various parameter values for an expression. Place the cursor in a math expression and select Explore from the Edit menu. For details, see Explore.
You can now insert predefined or custom headers and footers when printing a worksheet or document. For more information, see Headers and Footers.
Help System Examples
The Examples section of Maple help pages can be viewed in 2-D or 1-D math input. The default is 1-D. To change the global setting to display examples in 2-D math, toggle Display Examples with 2D math from the View menu.
Startup Code Region
The Startup Code region allows you to enter Maple code that will be executed every time the document is opened. Startup code can include loaded packages, defined variables and procedures, and any other Maple commands. The commands entered in the Startup Code region do not appear in the Maple document and can only be accessed by opening the Startup Code editor. For more information, see Startup Code.
Table Colors
You can define a background color for one or multiple cells in a table. Select the cell or cells you want to color, then click the context menu item Table > Cell Color... and choose a color. For more information, see Overview of Tables.
Web Resource Access
You can access the updated Student Help Center, Teacher Resource Center, and other web-based resources from within Maple. From the Help menu, select On the Web > User Resources.
Worksheet Magnification