Visualizing Custom Data on a Choropleth Map
This application generates a choropleth map visualizing the average number of children born to a woman in a number of European countries for the calendar year 2015.
Data source: Eurostat - (accessed 9 April 2017)
Data Description: The mean number of children that would be born alive to a woman during her lifetime if she were to survive and pass through her childbearing years conforming to the fertility rates by age of a given year.
Import fertility rate data
First a DataFrame is created to contain the data set. Note that this data is for the year 2015.
FertilityData := Import("datasets/fertility_rates.csv", base = datadir);
FertilityData≔Fertility Rate - 2015Belgium1.7Bulgaria1.53Czech Republic1.57Denmark1.71Germany1.5Estonia1.58Ireland1.92Greece1.33......
Generate a world map and restrict the view to Europe
The WorldMap command creates a WorldMap object that can be used to display maps of the world in various ways.
europeMap := DataSets:-Builtin:-WorldMap():
The SetView command restricts the view frame for the World map to a given area.
Define the colors used to shade the map
In the following section, we define two colors to be used to generate the gradient in the ChoroplethMap.
Lowest fertility value:
c1 := ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[0/255,55/255,0/255]);
c1≔⟨RGB : 0 0.216 0⟩
Highest fertility value:
c2 := ColorTools:-Color("RGB",[230/255,230/255,150/255]);
c2≔⟨RGB : 0.902 0.902 0.588⟩
Generate a choropleth
The ChoroplethMap command generates a map that is shaded in proportion to the measurements for the displayed variable, the fertility rate. The plots:-display
FertilityMap := ChoroplethMap(europeMap, FertilityData, [c1, c2], mapdata=fine, watercolor="White"):
Additional plot options can be added using the plots:-display command:
plots:-display(FertilityMap, axes = none, size = [800, 800], title = "Number of Children Per Female (2015)", titlefont = [Arial, Bold, 18]);
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