embed images in a worksheet
Calling Sequence
Embed( images, opts )
(optional) Image or list(Image) or list(list(Image)); image or list of images or list of list of images
(optional) equation(s) of the form option = value; specify options for the Embed command
title = string
The title of the GUI Table, in the case of lists of images. The default is no title.
titleposition = identical(bottom,top)
The position of the title of the GUI Table, in the case of lists of images. The default placement of a title is at the bottom of the table.
exterior = identical(group,all,none)
Specifies which of the table's exterior borders are visible.
interior = identical(group,all,none)
Specifies which of the table's interior borders are visible.
tempdir = string
Specifies the temporary directory into which images can be written. The default is system specific.
The Embed command embeds an image or a GUI Table of images into the current worksheet.
If the parameter images is a single image, then that image is displayed without an encapsulating table.
If the parameter images is a list of images or a list of list of images, then each of the images is displayed in a cell of the GUI Table.
The images in a list are displayed in a row of the table, from left to right in the same order that they occur in the list.
In the case of a list of lists of images the inner lists (rows) are stacked and displayed from top to bottom in the same order that they occur in the outer list.
The image or table of images is embedded within an overwritable region in the current Worksheet or Document. Repeated execution of a call to the Embed command will overwrite the previously inserted region. All such regions are deleted if you remove output from the worksheet.
The return value of this command is NULL.
Create two images.
Display a single image, without a table.
Display a single image, inside a table.
Display two images side by side, with a title.
Embedimg1,img2,title=A pair of images
Display two stacked images.
Display four images in a 2 by 2 grid.
The ImageTools:-Embed command was introduced in Maple 18.
For more information on Maple 18 changes, see Updates in Maple 18.
See Also
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