Worksheet Compatibility Issues
In general, worksheets created using any version of Maple can be read by the same version or a newer version of Maple on all platforms. There are some exceptions as described below.
Platform Issues
Worksheet Version Issues
Command-line Version
Platform-dependent Library Functions
Some functions are dependent on the platform to execute, such as system and ssystem. You can display these worksheets on other platforms; however, re-execution of these functions is likely to result in error messages.
In particular, the ability to re-execute worksheets that use the Matlab link requires MATLAB® to be installed on the new machine, and requires that the new machine support the Maple "Matlab Link". For more information, see Matlab/setup.
Accented Characters
Accented characters created on one platform are likely to cause problems on a different platform depending on which character set is being used on each of the platforms.
Maple provides users with the Standard worksheet interface. The Standard interface has all the user inferface features and access to the full mathematical engine of Maple.
For compatibility details by release, search the Maple Help System for updates/compatibility
OLE Objects and Embedded Metafiles
The Standard worksheet interfaces on Windows can contain OLE objects and embedded Metafiles.
Maplet Application Windows
In the Standard Worksheet, Maplet application windows have a parent hierarchy, set to be the window that is currently enabled when RunWindow is called. When the parent is closed by a call to CloseWindow, the child window is automatically closed as well. In the Command-line interface, Maplet application windows do not have parents, and so the call to CloseWindow closes only the single Maplet application window.
To ensure that your Maplet applications behave as desired in both worksheet interfaces, use one of the following strategies.
Avoid using calls to CloseWindow when other windows are running. The behavior of the Maplet application remains relatively the same, with the first window being disabled instead of disappearing. For details, see Maplets/Elements/CloseWindow.
Call CloseWindow on the first window before calling RunWindow on the new window. For details, see Maplets/Elements/RunWindow
Write the second window as a separate Maplet application and use the Maplets:-Display command instead of the RunWindow command. For details, see Maplets/Display.
Doing this ensures that the Maplet application can be run as expected in all modes. For more information, see MapletsOverview and MapletsPackage.
Viewing a Plot Structure
In the Standard worksheet, with Output Display set to 2-D Math Notation or Typeset Notation, an executed plot expression displays a plot structure placeholder as output.
For example, P:=plot(sin(x), x=0..2*Pi) displays P:=PLOT....
To display the entire plot structure in the Standard worksheet:
Use the op command. For example, enter P:=plot(sin(x),x=0..2*Pi) and then enter op(P) to display the plot structure.
Set the Tools>Options>Display tab>Output Display to Maple Notation.
Return Codes
The return codes that the command-line version of Maple returns to the operating system shell on exit have changed slightly. Prior to Maple 10, some error conditions would return a code of 0, indicating that no error occurred. All other error conditions would return 1. As of Maple 10, all error conditions return a non-zero value, and different values indicate different error conditions. See maple.
See Also
Maple Versions
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