When you save changes to a model or library the Selective Save window opens and shows you the changes that have been made to the model since the last save (see the following figure). In this window you can either save all the changes made or select only some of the changes.
To save your file with only selected changes:
Click Save File (
Do the following in the Selective Save window:
Clear any check boxes associated with changes you do not want to save.
Click either Only Save Selected (if you cleared some of the changes) or Save All (if you selected all the changes).
Note: If the Selective Save window does not open, you are either saving the file for the first time or you do not have selective save enabled.
If you cleared any of the changes in step 2a, do the following:
From the File menu, select Close Document.
Click No to not save the changes to your file.
Although this final step is not necessary, it is recommended because it guarantees that the next time you open your file it will contain only the changes you selected. See the following Important Note for details.
Important Note: If you do not save a change, the current state of your file (currently in memory) will no longer match the state of your model on disk. To revert your model to the version on disk, close the model without saving and then re-open it. For example, let's say you make some changes to your model which includes adding a probe. When you save the model, you clear the Probes have changed entry in the Selective Save window but accept all of the other changes. The probe will still be in your model after the selective save. You must now close the file without saving. The next time you open your model, the probe will no longer be in your model.