Chapter 9: Vector Calculus
Section 9.9: Stokes' Theorem
Example 9.9.5
Apply Stokes' theorem to the vector field ; the curve , the triangle with vertices ; and the first-octant portion of the plane along with the coordinate planes as the capping surface . Hint : has three sides but is open at the bottom.
Mathematical Solution
The surface is shown in Figure 9.9.5(a), where outward normal vectors are drawn on each of the three faces , comprising , and listed in Table 9.9.5(a).
first-octant part of the plane
the region in the -plane bounded by the triangle whose vertices are , , and
the region in the - plane bounded by the triangle whose vertices are , , and
Table 9.9.5(a)
use plots,Student:-VectorCalculus in
local p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,N1,N2,N3;
end module:
end use:
Figure 9.9.5(a) The surface
Begin by calculating
A unit (upward) normal on is where . Hence,
which, on becomes
The projection of onto the plane is a right triangle whose hypotenuse is , from which it follows that
An outward normal on where is the unit vector . Hence, on , a right triangle with hypotenuse in the -plane. This gives the integral
= = 72
An outward normal on where is the unit vector . Hence, on , a right triangle with hypotenuse in the -plane. This gives the integral
= = 64
From these results it follows that = .
The surface caps , the right triangle with vertices . Since this triangle lies in the plane , on each leg, and is on the hypotenuse. See Table 9.9.5(b) for the details.
From Table 9.9.5(b), it follows that = .
Maple Solution - Interactive
Tools≻Load Package: Student Vector Calculus
Loading Student:-VectorCalculus
Tools≻Tasks≻Browse: Calculus - Vector≻
Vector Algebra and Settings≻
Display Format for Vectors
Press the Access Settings button and select
"Display as Column Vector"
Display Format for Vectors
Control-drag the equation of the plane.
Context Panel: Solve≻Obtain Solutions for≻
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻
Define the vector field F
Enter a free vector whose components are those of F .
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Student Vector Calculus≻Conversions≻To Vector Field
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻ F
Common Symbols palette:
Del and cross-product operators
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
To evaluate , use the task template in Table 9.9.5(c). Should the "Clear All and Reset" button in the Task Template be pressed, all the data that has been input to the template will be lost. In that event, the reader should simply re-launch the example to recover the appropriate inputs to the template.
Calculus - Vector≻Integration≻Flux≻3-D≻Through a Surface Defined over a Triangle
Flux through a Surface Defined over a Triangle
For the Vector Field:
Select Coordinate System Cartesian [x,y,z] Cartesian - other cylindrical spherical bipolarcylindrical bispherical cardioidal cardioidcylindrical casscylindrical conical ellcylindrical hypercylindrical invcasscylindrical logcylindrical logcoshcylindrical oblatespheroidal paraboloidal paracylindrical prolatespheroidal rosecylindrical sixsphere tangentcylindrical tangentsphere toroidal
Table 9.9.5(c) Task template used to evaluate
To evaluate , use the task template in Table 9.9.5(d). Should the "Clear All and Reset" button in the Task Template be pressed, all the data that has been input to the template will be lost. In that event, the reader should simply re-launch the example to recover the appropriate inputs to the template.
Calculus - Vector≻Integration≻Flux≻3-D≻Through a Parametric Surface
Flux through a Parametrically Defined Surface
For the Vector Field:
Select Coordinate System Cartesian [x,y,z] Cartesian - other cylindrical spherical bipolarcylindrical bispherical cardioidal cardioidcylindrical casscylindrical conical ellcylindrical hypercylindrical invcasscylindrical logcylindrical logcoshcylindrical oblatespheroidal paraboloidal paracylindrical prolatespheroidal rosecylindrical sixsphere tangentcylindrical tangentsphere toroidal
Select Coordinate System Cartesian cylindrical spherical bipolarcylindrical bispherical cardioidal cardioidcylindrical casscylindrical conical ellcylindrical hypercylindrical invcasscylindrical logcylindrical logcoshcylindrical oblatespheroidal paraboloidal paracylindrical prolatespheroidal rosecylindrical sixsphere tangentcylindrical tangentsphere toroidal
Table 9.9.5(d) Task template used to evaluate
To evaluate , use the task template in Table 9.9.5(e). Should the "Clear All and Reset" button in the Task Template be pressed, all the data that has been input to the template will be lost. In that event, the reader should simply re-launch the example to recover the appropriate inputs to the template.
Calculus - Vector≻Integration≻Flux≻3-D≻Through a Parametric Surface
Flux through a Parametrically Defined Surface
For the Vector Field:
Select Coordinate System Cartesian [x,y,z] Cartesian - other cylindrical spherical bipolarcylindrical bispherical cardioidal cardioidcylindrical casscylindrical conical ellcylindrical hypercylindrical invcasscylindrical logcylindrical logcoshcylindrical oblatespheroidal paraboloidal paracylindrical prolatespheroidal rosecylindrical sixsphere tangentcylindrical tangentsphere toroidal
Select Coordinate System Cartesian cylindrical spherical bipolarcylindrical bispherical cardioidal cardioidcylindrical casscylindrical conical ellcylindrical hypercylindrical invcasscylindrical logcylindrical logcoshcylindrical oblatespheroidal paraboloidal paracylindrical prolatespheroidal rosecylindrical sixsphere tangentcylindrical tangentsphere toroidal
Table 9.9.5(e) Task template used to evaluate
Unfortunately, Maple takes , not on . Maple's default normal on the open surface described by the position vector is the normalized version of . Since ,
= = = i
Hence, the value of is actually 64, not , and
Table 9.9.4(f) accesses the LineInt command through the Context Panel.
Form and evaluate the line integral of F around
Write the name F .
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel:
Student Vector Calculus≻Line Integral
(Complete the dialog as per Figure 9.9.5(b).)
Context Panel: Evaluate Integral
Figure 9.9.5(b) Line Integral Domain dialog
Table 9.9.5(f) Evaluation of the line integral of F around
Note that in order for Maple to trace the edges of the triangle , the starting vertex must be repeated as the last node to be reached.
Maple Solution - Coded
Install the Student VectorCalculus package.
Use the Curl and Flux commands to obtain the flux of through
Use the Curl and Flux commands to obtain the flux of through
Use the Curl and Flux commands to obtain the flux of through
Unfortunately, Maple takes , not on . Maple's default normal on the open surface described by the position vector is the normalized version of . Since ,
= = = i
Hence, the value of is actually 64, not , and
Table 9.9.5(g) uses the LineInt command to obtain the value of , where is the triangle whose vertices are .
Table 9.9.5(g) Line integral of the tangential component of F around
Note that in order for Maple to trace the edges of the triangle , the starting vertex must be repeated as the last node to be reached.
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