Calling Sequence
rtable_options(A, opt1, opt2, ...)
rtable object
opt1, opt2, ...
(optional) option name or equation of the form option = value
The rtable_options(A) function returns an expression sequence of equations consisting of the option names and their values for rtable A. An rtable is any object that is type Array, Matrix, or Vector.
The expression sequence that is returned includes the subtype option. In the case where A is a Vector, the orientation option is not returned since this is implicit in the subtype option.
The rtable_options(A, opt1, opt2, ...) function, where each opti is an option name, returns an expression sequence of equations indicating only the values of each opti specified in the calling sequence.
The rtable_options(A, opt1, opt2, ...) function, where each opti is an equation of the form option = value, assigns each specified option opti of A the indicated value (if possible). Options that are not specified are not changed.
This operation works in-place; rtable A is modified.
Not all rtable options can be modified. In particular, only the following options can be changed.
subtype=Vector[row] can be changed to subtype=Vector[column], and vice-versa.
subtype=anything can be changed to subtype=Array.
subtype=Array can be changed to subtype=Matrix if the Array is 2-dimensional. If the lower bounds of either dimension are not 1, the bounds are adjusted accordingly.
subtype=Array can be changed to subtype=Vector[row] or subtype=Vector[column] if the Array is 1-dimensional. If the lower bound of the dimension is not 1, the bounds are adjusted accordingly.
order=C_order can be changed to order=Fortran_order, and vice-versa, but this implicitly transposes the rtable because the actual elements are not moved.
readonly can be set, but not unset.
attributes can be changed. Using rtable_options to set the attributes is equivalent to using setattribute, which also works in-place (on rtables and names). Like the attributes option to the rtable constructor, the attributes must be wrapped in a list, which is not part of the attributes.
Thread Safety
The rtable_options command is thread-safe as of Maple 15.
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