Figures 4.4.1(a), 4.4.1(b), and Table 4.4.1(a) detail how to obtain a stepwise solution interactively via the
Figure 4.4.1(a) shows the state of the Integration Methods tutor when the change of variable is applied to the given definite integral.
Clicking the Change button brings up the dialog box shown in Figure 4.4.1(b). The rule for the substitution is entered, and the Apply button pressed.
Figure 4.4.1(b) Change variable dialog
Figure 4.4.1(a) Integration Methods tutor
Table 4.4.1(a) lists the complete stepwise solution available from the
Table 4.4.1(a) Stepwise evaluation via Integration Methods tutor
After the antiderivative is found, the Revert rule returns , that is, reverses the substitution after the integral has been evaluated.
It is interesting to note that Maple might make a different substitution, as per Table 4.4.1(b) where the Context Panel's Student Calculus1≻All Solution Steps option is applied to the indefinite integral.
Tools≻Load Package: Student Calculus 1
Loading Student:-Calculus1
Table 4.4.1(b) Stepwise evaluation via the Context Panel's "All Solution Steps" option
Maple has made the substitution , so that and . Thus, and the new integrand is . Of course, the final results for the two approaches will agree, but some of the intermediate steps will not.
Note that an interactive solution is available via the Context Panel, as per the figure to the right.