Tools≻Load Package:
Student Multivariate Calculus
Loading Student:-MultivariateCalculus
Context Panel: Assign Name
Context Panel: Assign Name
Context Panel: Assign Name
Context Panel: Assign Name
Access the MultiInt command via the Context Panel
Write , the name of the integrand.
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Student Multivariate Calculus≻Integrate≻Iterated
Fill in both panes (see Figures 5.3.(1, 2)) and select "integral" for the Output
Context Panel: Approximate≻10 (digits)
Table 5.3.9(b) illustrates the visualization task template keyed to iterate in the order .
Calculus - Multivariate≻Integration≻Visualizing Regions of Integration≻
Evaluate and Graph
Area Element
Value of Integral
Table 5.3.9(b) Visualizing and the resulting volume for iteration in the order
The horizontal arrow in the left-hand graph indicates that the iteration is in the order , whereby the first (or inner) integration is in the horizontal direction, from the leftmost boundary curve to the rightmost. Because the integrand is positive, the double integral calculates the volume below the surface but above the plane . The solid whose volume is thereby calculated is seen in the right-hand graph.
The detailed analytic results below are obtained via the palettes and Context Panel.
Iterate in the order
Calculus palette: Template for definite iterated double integral
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Approximate≻10 (digits)
Display the iterated integrals
Calculus palette: Template for definite iterated double integral
Context Panel: 2-D Math≻Convert To≻Inert Form
Press the Enter key
Context Panel: Evaluate Integral
Note: The calculations by which the expression for is obtained are as follows.
Context Panel: Solve≻Obtain Solutions for≻
Context Panel: Rationalize