Identifying Objects in a 3-D Model - MapleSim Help
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Home : Support : Online Help : MapleSim : Using MapleSim : Visualizing a 3-D Model : Identifying Objects in a 3-D Model

Identifying and Modifying Objects in a 3-D Model

By default, basic spheres and cylinders called implicit geometry appear in the 3-D Workspace to represent physical components in your model.  As you are building a model, you can view, identify, and modify specific components within your 3-D model by clicking on the spheres.

Using the Pick List

If the sphere you click has more than one component, the Pick List appears showing all of the co-positioned components at that location.  The Pick List lets you easily isolate and disassemble specific components from your 3-D model.  You can then directly edit the joint initial conditions for testing purposes or unenforce the kinematic constraints for visualization purposes.  If only one component is found, the Pick List does not appear and the component is immediately selected and highlighted.

You can view the corresponding component, subsystem name, and parameters under the Properties tab ( ) on the right side of the MapleSim window or under the Model Tree tab ( ) on the left side of the MapleSim window. The corresponding component or subsystem is also highlighted in the model workspace.

To modify a component in a 3-D model:


From the View menu, select Show 3-D Workspace...  The Analysis window opens with the 3-D Workspace tab selected.  Alternatively, from the MapleSim main toolbar, click Show 3-D Workspace ( ).


In the 3-D Workspace, click on a specific sphere.  If there is more than one component, the Pick List appears showing a list of components at that point.


From the list select a component.  The component is highlighted in the Model Workspace and 3-D Workspace, and the parameters and initial conditions appear under the Properties tab ( ).


Modify the parameters and/or initial conditions.


Click in empty space to clear the selection.


Assemble your model by running a simulation or click Update 3-D View ( ).  The 3-D configuration of the model is updated.

See Also

Toolbar: 3-D Toolbar

Using the Unenforce Constraints Button to Manipulate 3-D Joint Objects

Visualizing a 3-D Model

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