An object-based double-ended queue
The DEQueue appliable object provides an efficient means to construct, manipulate, and query double-ended queues.
Unlike a Maple list, adding or replacing an element in a DEQueue does not allocate a new container. As such, it can be efficiently used in loops to build up a sequence an element at a time, adding new elements at either end.
The DEQueue function returns a new DEQueue object.
If called with a single argument that is either a Maple list or a DEQueue object, the returned object contains the elements in the argument.
Otherwise, the returned object contains each distinct argument as an element.
The following functions modify the contents of a DEQueue object. The dq argument denotes a DEQueue object. The expr argument denotes any Maple expression or sequence thereof.
pop_front(dq) : Deletes and returns one element from the front of dq.
pop_back(dq) : Deletes and returns one element from the back of dq.
push_front(dq,expr) : Pushes expr onto the front of dq.
push_back(dq,expr) : Pushes expr onto the back of dq.
dq ,= expr : Equivalent to push_back(dq,expr).
Because elements can be pushed onto and popped from either end of a DEQueue, it can be used as both a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue (by using push_back and pop_front), or as a stack (by using push_front and pop_front).
The following functions inspect the content of a DEQueue object. The dq arguments denote DEQueue objects.
dq = other or `=`(dq,other) : When evaluated in a boolean context, returns true if dq and other are both DEQueue objects with identical content, false otherwise.
expr in dq or `in`(expr,dq) : Returns true if expr is an element of dq, false otherwise.
empty(dq) : Returns true if dq is empty, false otherwise.
entries(dq) : Returns an expression sequence of all the entries in dq, with each entry enclosed in a list by default.
front(dq) or back(dq) : Returns the element at the front or back of dq, without removing it.
has(dq,expr) : Returns true if any element of dq contains expr, false otherwise.
hastype(dq,typ) : Returns true if any element of dq contains an expression of the specified type, false otherwise.
indets(dq,typ) : Returns a Maple set of all indeterminates in dq. If the optional typ parameter is specified, then returns the expressions of type typ.
indices(dq) : Returns an expression sequence of all the indices of dq, with each index enclosed in a list by default.
lowerbound(dq) : Returns the lower index bound (always 1)
max(dq) : Returns the maximum element of dq. Behaves like max on lists.
member(expr,dq) : Returns true if expr is an element of dq, false otherwise. The three argument form of member is not supported.
min(dq) : returns the minimum element of dq. Behaves like min on lists.
numboccur(dq,expr) : Count the number of occurrences of expr in dq, either as an element or within elements.
numelems(dq) : Returns the number of elements in dq.
upperbound(dq) : Returns the upper index (same as the output of numelems).
Each of the above functions is already available in Maple for built-in Maple structures such as lists and Arrays. Please refer to the help page for each function for details on usage.
Mapping, Selection, Removal, and Substitution
The map, select, remove, selectremove, and subs functions operate on a DEQueue object. Refer to their help pages for the calling sequences. By default they create a new DEQueue object, but if called with the inplace index option, they update the existing DEQueue object. The dq argument denotes a DEQueue object.
map(fcn,dq) : Apply a procedure, fcn, to each element of dq.
select(fcn,dq) : Select elements of dq for which fcn returns true.
remove(fcn,dq) : Remove elements of dq for which fcn returns true.
selectremove(fcn,dq) : Produce two DEQueues, one containing selected elements and the other removed elements.
subs(eqns,dq) : Substitute subexpressions in the content of dq.
The convert functions can be used to convert a DEQueue object to and from other Maple structures.
convert(dq,typ) : Convert a DEQueue to the specified type.
convert(expr,DEQueue) : Convert expr to a DEQueue object. expr must be a list, set, or rtable.
Integer indices can be used to extract or reassign a single element of a DEQueue.
The DEQueue object exports a ModuleIterator function, allowing the DEQueue object to be used in loops and iterations (seq, add, etc.).
Create a DEQueue with three elements.
| (1) |
| (2) |
Create a DEQueue from a Maple list.
| (3) |
Remove c from the back of Q1 and insert z at the front.
| (5) |
Add c to each element in Q2, doing so inplace.
| (6) |
Replace all occurrences of c inside Q2 with d, doing so inplace.
| (7) |
Use member to determine whether a given element is a member of Q1.
| (8) |
Use has to test for the occurrence of a subexpression in any of the members of the set.
Create a DEQueue object by converting a Vector.
| (12) |
| (13) |
Use indexing to extract each element of a DEQueue.
| (14) |
Reassign the value at the second index.
Iterate through each element in Q1.
| (17) |
Add the elements of Q2.
The DEQueue object provides an efficient way to construct a list an element at a time, in a loop. Doing so with standard Maple lists is inefficient in that each addition creates a new list; as such the operation is in time and memory, where is the number of elements. The following compares the memory and time required to create a list of twenty thousand elements using lists and a DEQueue object.
MapleLists := proc(n :: posint)
local i, s;
s := [];
for i to n do
s := [op(s), i];
end do:
end proc:
DEQueues := proc(n :: posint)
local i, s;
s := DEQueue();
for i to n do
end do;
end proc:
memory used=1.49GiB, alloc change=25.48MiB, cpu time=3.84s, real time=2.64s, gc time=2.50s
| |
memory used=13.78MiB, alloc change=8.00MiB, cpu time=161.00ms, real time=134.00ms, gc time=56.58ms
| |
The DEQueue object was introduced in Maple 2021.