LieAlgebra[Cohomology] - compute relative Lie algebra cohomology
LieAlgebra[RelativeChains] - find the vector space of forms on a Lie algebra relative to a given subalgebra
LieAlgebra[ CohomologyDecomposition] - decompose a closed form into the sum of an exact form and a form defining a coholomogy class
Calling Sequences
CohomologyDecomposition(alpha, H, h)
CohomologyDecomposition(alpha, H, R)
h - a list of vectors in a Lie algebra g defining a subalgebra of g
C - a list of lists [C1, C2, C3, ...], where C1 is a list of (p - 1)-forms on g, C2 is a list of p-forms, C3 is a list of (p + 1)-forms...
alpha - an h relative, closed p-form on g
H - a list of closed p-forms on g defining the basis for the (relative) cohomology of g in degree p
R - a list of (p-1)-forms on g defining the basis for the relative chains of g in degree p-1
Let g be a Lie algebra and h a subalgebra of g. Then the vector space A^p(g, h) of h relative p-chains consists of those p-forms alpha on g such that Hook(x, alpha) = 0 and Hook(x, d(alpha)) = 0 for all x in h. A p-form alpha in A^p(g, h) is closed if d(alpha) = 0 and exact if alpha = d(beta) for some (p - 1)-form beta in A^(p - 1)(g, h). The Lie algebra cohomology H^p(g, h) of g relative to h in degree p is the vector space of closed p-forms in A^p(g, h), modulo the exact p-forms in A^p(g, h). The Lie algebra cohomology H^p(g, h) of g relative to h with coefficients in a representation rho of g may also be computed. The text by D. B. Fuks (Chapter 1) and the papers by Hochschild and Koszul contain the basic material on Lie Algebra cohomology.
The LieAlgebra package currently contains 3 commands: RelativeChains, Cohomology, and CohomologyDecomposition. for finding Lie algebra cohomology. Future extensions of this package will include commands for computing the Serre-Hochschild spectral sequence.
The command RelativeChains(h) returns a list C = [C1, C2, C3, ...] of all relative chains for the subalgebra h. The zero chain is C1 = [] and the 1-chain is C1 = annihilator(h). If h has dimension m, then the list C of relative chains will have m (possibly empty) elements.
The command Cohomology(C) computes the cohomology of the sequence C = [C1, C2, C3, ...] with respect to the exterior derivative d. This requires that d(Ci) is contained in Cj, j = i + 1, for all i = 1, 2, 3, .... If C1 is a list of (p - 1)-forms on g, then H = Cohomology(C) is a list H = [H1, H2, H3, ...], where H1 is a list of p-forms on g which define a basis for the cohomology at C2, H2 is a list of (p + 1)-forms on g which define a basis for the cohomology at C3, and so on.
The command CohomologyDecomposition(alpha, H, h) returns a pair of forms beta, delta such that alpha = beta + d(delta) and beta is a linear combination of the cohomology representatives given by H and delta is a h relative form The form beta is uniquely determined, the form delta is not. In particular, if the closed form alpha is exact, then beta = 0.
The command CohomologyDecomposition(alpha, H, R) returns a pair of forms beta, delta such that alpha = beta + d(delta) and beta is a linear combination of the cohomology representatives given by H and delta is in R.

Example 1.
First we initialize a Lie algebra.
| (2.1) |
| (2.2) |
For this example we take h to be the trivial subspace. In this case the procedure RelativeChains simply returns a list of bases for the 1-forms on g, the 2-forms on g, the 3-forms on g, and so on.
Alg1 >

| (2.3) |
We pass the output of the RelativeChains program to the Cohomology program.
Alg1 >
| (2.4) |
To read off the dimensions of the cohomology of g, use the nops and map command.
Alg1 >
| (2.5) |
Example 2.
We continue with Example 1. To find the cohomology of g just in degree 3, pass the Cohomology program to just the chains of degree 2 and 3 and 4.
Alg1 >
| (2.6) |
Example 3.
We continue with Example 1. Show that the 2-form beta is closed and express beta as a linear combination of the cohomology classes in H^2 and the exterior derivative of a 1-form.
Alg1 >
| (2.7) |
Alg1 >
| (2.8) |
Alg1 >
| (2.9) |
Alg1 >
| (2.10) |
Example 4.
First we initialize a Lie algebra.
Alg1 >
| (2.11) |
Alg1 >
| (2.12) |
Define a 2 dimensional subspace h to be the vectors spanned by S.
Alg2 >
| (2.13) |
Compute the relative chains with respect to the subspace S.
Alg2 >
| (2.14) |
Alg2 >
| (2.15) |
Example 5.
In this example we compute the cohomology of a 4-dimensional Lie algebra with coefficients in the adjoint representation. First define and initialize the Lie algebra.
Rep1 >
| (2.16) |
Rep1 >
| (2.17) |
Define the representation space V.
Alg3 >
| (2.18) |
Define the adjoint representation.
V >
| (2.19) |
Alg3 >
| (2.20) |
Note that the chains are now linear functions of the coordinates on the representation space.
Rep1 >

| (2.21) |
Rep1 >
| (2.22) |
Example 6.
Finally, we compute the Lie algebra cohomology of Alg3 with coefficients in the adjoint representation, relative to the subalgebra [e1].
Rep1 >

| (2.23) |
Rep1 >
| (2.24) |