ModuleApply - function to apply when calling a module as if it were a command
Calling Sequence
module() export ModuleApply, ...; ... end module;
If a module has an export named ModuleApply, the module name can be used as if it were a procedure name. Calling M(args) invokes M:-ModuleApply(args).
Maple's module data structure is close to the "class" concept in object oriented programming. Due to the dynamic nature of Maple, modules can also be used to represent "objects". One major difference between classes and objects are constructors. Constructors can be nicely emulated using generated modules. ModuleApply provides the ability to treat a module as a function and make it "apply'able".
Example (1)
m := module() export ModuleApply;
ModuleApply := proc()
print("m called with args: ", [args]);
end proc;
end module;
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Example (2)
In this example, we create a generic function that can deal with objects that export an Evalf function.
MyEvalf := proc(f)
if type(f,function) and type(op(0,f),`module`(Evalf)) then
error "cannot evaluate %1", f;
end if;
end proc;

| (3) |
Now, create an object that returns unevaluated under certain conditions. Teach the object how to behave in specific environments (like the environment of MyEvalf).
Sine := module() export ModuleApply, Evalf;
ModuleApply := proc(x)
if type(x,float) then
end if;
end proc;
Evalf := proc(x)
end proc;
end module;
| (4) |
With floating-point data, a number is returned, otherwise Sine returns unevaluated. This is achieved by calling the ModuleApply.
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Applying MyEvalf to the unevaluated response causes MyEvalf to dispatch to the object itself to compute the value.
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The Cache module implements a ModuleApply function. Using Cache as a command creates a new cache table. For example:
| (8) |
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