Calling Sequence
ImportGraph(filename, format, output=outform)
ExportGraph(G, filename, format)
ExportGraph(G, filename, format, append)
graph, list of graphs, or graph generating function
string, symbol, or function
symbol or string
output format, one of graph, list, or iterator
ImportGraph reads one or more graphs from a file. For a file containing a single graph, the supported formats are `dimacs`, `dimacs_relaxed`, `combinatorica`, `edges`, and `dot`. For a file containing multiple graphs, the supported formats are `sparse6` and `graph6`.
The list and iterator output forms only apply to the case of a file with multiple graphs. The list output form returns a list of all graphs in the file, and the iterator output form returns a procedure that generates all the graphs in the file one at a time. For the iterator, the returned procedure called with no arguments simply outputs the next graph, returning FAIL after the final graph in the file has been output.
Note: The list of graphs and graph generating function forms for G only apply to the multiple graph per file formats.
ExportGraph writes a one or more graphs to a file using the specified format. For exporting a single graph to a file, the supported formats are `dimacs` (only for undirected unweighted graphs), `combinatorica` (only for undirected unweighted graphs), edges (only for undirected unweighted graphs), `metapost`, and `dot`. For exporting multiple graphs to a file, the supported formats are `sparse6` and `graph6`, and these can be mixed in a file (either being valid to specify reading both formats).
The literal `append` specifies that the graph(s) should be appended to the specified file, while by default the file is simply overwritten.
To export a graph in Maple's format, use the save command. This saves the entire Maple data structure to a file, including vertex positions (used for drawing) and highlighted vertices. To read it back in later, use the read command.
| (1) |
File "" created in metapost format
| |
This creates the file "" in the current working directory (see currentdir). In Unix, the "mpost" command can then be used to convert a metapost file to PostScript, for inclusion in a LaTeX document.
We have highlighted the star in the Petersen graph and saved it to a file "petersen.txt" in the current working directory. When the file is read, the graph will be reloaded (in the variable P) with the highlighting intact.