MapleLibName - set or query libname in external code
Calling Sequence
MapleLibName(kv, val)
kernel handle returned by StartMaple
expression sequence object containing strings
This function is part of the OpenMaple interface to Microsoft Visual Basic.
The MapleLibName function returns the currently assigned value of libname, which controls the location of Maple libraries. If val is not 0, then it also tries to assign .
Never directly modify the expression sequence returned by MapleLibName. Always create a new expression sequence to change the value.
Sub MyLoadPackage(ByVal kv As Long)
Dim mylib As String
Dim n, i, libname As Long
' find the maple directory
mylib = MapleToString(kv, MapleKernelOptions(kv, "mapledir", 0))
mylib = mylib + "tool_lib"
' get the current value of libname
libname = MapleLibName(kv, 0)
' copy the current value into a new expression sequence with
' room for one more entry.
n = MapleNumArgs(kv, libname)
newlibname = NewMapleExpressionSequence(kv, n + 1)
For i = 1 To n
MapleExpseqAssign kv, newlibname, i, MapleExpseqSelect(kv, libname, i)
Next i
' append the tool_lib directory to libname
MapleExpseqAssign kv, newlibname, i, ToMapleString(kv, mylib)
MapleLibName kv, newlibname
EvalMapleStatement kv, "libname;"
End Sub
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