OreTools[Converters][FromOrePolyToLinearEquation] - convert an OrePoly structure to the corresponding linear functional equation
OreTools[Converters][FromLinearEquationToOrePoly] - convert a linear functional equation to the corresponding OrePoly structure
OreTools[Converters][AddConversionRule] - add conversion rules to FromLinearEquationToOrePoly
OreTools[Converters][FromOrePolyToPoly] - convert an OrePoly structure to the corresponding polynomial
OreTools[Converters][FromPolyToOrePoly] - convert a polynomial to the corresponding OrePoly structure
Calling Sequence
FromOrePolyToLinearEquation (Ore, f, A)
FromLinearEquationToOrePoly (expr, f, A)
AddConversionRule (CaseName, ConvertProc)
FromOrePolyToPoly(Ore, x)
FromPolyToOrePoly(P, x)
Ore polynomial; to define an Ore polynomial, use the OrePoly structure.
name; dependent variable
Ore algebra; to define an Ore algebra, use the SetOreRing function.
expression; linear functional equation
name; labels the new conversion case
procedure; algorithm for converting a linear functional equation to an Ore polynomial
name; noncommutative indeterminate
The FromOrePolyToLinearEquation(Ore, f, A) calling sequence converts the Ore polynomial Ore to the corresponding linear functional equation.
The FromLinearEquationToOrePoly(expr, f, A) calling sequence converts the linear functional equation expr to the corresponding Ore polynomial. The Ore polynomial is returned as an OrePoly structure.
The FromLinearEquationToOrePoly command currently supports only the shift and differential cases.
The AddConversionRule(CaseName, ConvertProc) command adds a new conversion rule from a linear equation to an Ore polynomial to be used by the FromLinearEquationToOrePoly command.
The ConvertProc procedure must accept three arguments: linear functional equation, name of dependent variable, and Ore algebra; and return an Ore polynomial as an OrePoly structure.
The FromOrePolyToPoly(Ore, x) calling sequence converts the Ore polynomial Ore to the corresponding polynomial.
The FromPolyToOrePoly(P, x) calling sequence converts the polynomial P to the corresponding Ore polynomial. The Ore polynomial is returned as an OrePoly structure.
Define the differential algebra.
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
To convert a linear difference equation to an OrePoly structure, first define the difference polynomial ring.
A := SetOreRing(n, 'difference', 'sigma' = proc(p, x) eval(p, x=x+1) end,
'sigma_inverse' = proc(p, x) eval(p, x=x-1) end,
'delta' = proc(p, x) eval(p, x=x+1) - p end,
'theta1' = 0);
| (5) |
Consider the following difference operator.
| (6) |
Convert L to a linear difference equation.
| (7) |
The FromLinearEquationToOrePoly function cannot convert eq to the corresponding OrePoly structure.
You must define the rule for the difference case.
difference_case := proc(eq, func, A)
local reqn, info, fcn, E, receq, req, func_set, n, place, i, var;
var := OreTools[Properties][GetVariable](A);
# Do some argument checking and processing
reqn := LREtools['REcreate'](eq, func(var), {});
info := eval(op(4, reqn));
if info['linear']=false then
error "only linear equations are handled"
end if;
n := info['vars'];
if not (nops([n])=1 and type(n, name)) then
error "only single equations are handled"
end if;
fcn := op(2, reqn)[1];
# locate n in arguments to fcn
for place to nops(fcn) while op(place, fcn) <> n do end do;
# Transform the equation from a difference equation to a
# difference operator
req := args[1];
func_set := indets(req, specfunc(anything, info['functions']));
receq := collect( subs( map( (x, y, z, i) -> x = (z+1)^(op(i, x)-y),
func_set, n, 'E', place), req), 'E', Normalizer);
'OrePoly'(seq(coeff(receq, 'E', i), i=0..degree(receq, 'E')))
end proc:
Add this rule to OreTools, and then use the FromOrePolyToLinearEquation function again.
| (8) |
| (9) |
| (10) |
| (11) |
See Also
args, coeff, collect, error, eval, indets, LREtools[REcreate], map, nops, op, OreTools, OreTools/OreAlgebra, OreTools/OrePoly, OreTools[Converters], OreTools[Properties][GetVariable], OreTools[SetOreRing], proc, seq, subs, type/name