StringTools[LeftFold] - left-associative iterator for strings
StringTools[RightFold] - right-associative iterator for strings
Calling Sequence
LeftFold( p, id, s )
RightFold( p, id, s )
anything; typically, a Maple procedure to iterate over string s
anything; initial value
Maple string
The LeftFold(p, id, s) function iterates procedure p over string s, composing the successive results from the left with the initial value id.
If s is the string argument , then the value of the expression LeftFold( F, id, s ) is .
Except for a more efficient implementation, this procedure is equivalent to the composition .
The RightFold(p, id, s) function iterates procedure p over string s, composing the successive results from the right with the initial value id.
Except for a more efficient implementation, this procedure is equivalent to the composition .
These functions are part of the StringTools package, and so they can be used in the form LeftFold(..) only after executing the command with(StringTools). However, they can always be accessed through the long form of the command by using the form StringTools[LeftFold](..).
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