SumTools[Hypergeometric][DefiniteSum] - compute the definite sum
Calling Sequence
DefiniteSum(T, n, k, l..u)
function of n
range for k
For a specified hypergeometric term T of n and k, the DefiniteSum(T, n, k, l..u) command computes, if it exists, a closed form for the definite sum .
A closed form is defined as one that can be represented as a sum of hypergeometric terms or as a d'Alembertian term.
If the input T is a definite sum of a hypergeometric term, and if the environment variable _EnvDoubleSum is set to true, then DefiniteSum tries to find a closed form for the specified definite sum of T. Note that this operation can be very expensive.
For more information on the construction of the minimal Z-pair for T, see ExtendedZeilberger.
Note: If you set infolevel[DefiniteSum] to 3, Maple prints diagnostics.
| (1) |
Set the infolevel to 3.
DefiniteSum: "try algorithms for definite sum"
Definite: "Construct the Zeilberger's recurrence"
Definite: "Solve the recurrence equation ..."
Definite: "Find hypergeometric solutions"
Definite: "Find a particular d'Alembertian solution"
Definite: "Solve the homogeneous linear recurrence equation"
Definite: "Construction of the general solution successful"
Definite: "Solve the initial-condition problem"
| |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
Abramov, S.A., and Zima, E.V. "D'Alembertian Solutions of Inhomogeneous Linear Equations (differential, difference, and some other)." Proceedings ISSAC'96, pp. 232-240. 1996.
Petkovsek, M. "Hypergeometric Solutions of Linear Recurrences with Polynomial Coefficients." Journal of Symbolic Computing. Vol. 14. (1992): 243-264.
van Hoeij, M. "Finite Singularities and Hypergeometric Solutions of Linear Recurrence Equations." Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. Vol. 139. (1999): 109-131.
Zeilberger, D. "The Method of Creative Telescoping." Journal of Symbolic Computing. Vol. 11. (1991): 195-204.