Student[NumericalAnalysis][InterpolantRemainderTerm] - return the interpolating polynomial and remainder term from an interpolation structure
Calling Sequence
InterpolantRemainderTerm(p, opts)
a POLYINTERP structure
(optional) equations of the form keyword=value where keyword is one of errorboundvar, independentvar, showapproximatepoly, showremainder; options for returning the interpolant and remainder term
The InterpolantRemainderTerm command returns the approximate polynomial and remainder term from a POLYINTERP structure.
If the POLYINTERP structure p was created using the CubicSpline command then the InterpolantRemainderTerm command can only return the approximate polynomial and therefore showremainder must be set to false.
In order for the remainder term to exist, the POLYINTERP structure p must have an associated exact function that has been given.
The name to assign to the independent variable in the remainder term. By default, the errorboundvar given when the POLYINTERP structure was created is used.
The name to assign to the independent variable in the approximated polynomial. By default, the independentvar given when the POLYINTERP structure was created is used.
showapproximatepoly = true or false
Whether to return the approximated polynomial. By default this is set to true.
showremainder = true or false
Whether to return the remainder term. By default, this is set to true.
The remainder term is also called an error term.
The interpolant is also called the approximating polynomial or interpolating polynomial.