The EquivalentRate command generates a desired interest rate that is equivalent to the given interest rate.
| (3.1) |
| (3.2) |
| (3.3) |
| (3.4) |
| (3.5) |
The ImpliedRate command returns the implied rate for the given compound factor.
| (3.6) |
| (3.7) |
| (3.8) |
| (3.9) |
The ZeroRate (short for zero-coupon rate) command computes the rate of interest earned on an investment that starts today and ends at a future certain day (in years).
| (3.10) |
| (3.11) |
Use the input interest rates at different maturity times to construct a piecewise function.
| (3.12) |
First consider the case of continuously compounded interest.

| (3.13) |
Next consider the case of simply compounded interest.

| (3.14) |
| (3.15) |
| (3.16) |
| (3.17) |
| (3.18) |
| (3.19) |
Use the input interest rates at different maturity times to construct a piecewise function.
| (3.20) |

| (3.21) |
You can see that the simple rates are a little larger than corresponding continuous compounding rates.
The forward rate is defined as the rate of interest implied by current zero rates for periods of time in the future.
| (3.22) |
| (3.23) |
| (3.24) |
Use the input interest rates at different maturity times to construct a piecewise function.
CurveFitting:- Spline(times, rates, t, degree=1);
| (3.25) |
F := unapply((3.25), t):
Plot_F := plot(F(t), t = 0..2):
Set compounding = Continuous so that the input interest rates are continuous compounding.
ZR := [seq(ZeroRate(ZC, i/100, compounding = Continuous), i = 1..200)];

| (3.26) |
Construct a yield term structure based on a piecewise interpolation of the given zero rates.

| (3.27) |
![Plot_IZR := Statistics:-PointPlot(IZR, xcoords = [seq((1/100)*i, i = 1 .. 200)])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8885/file01689/math643.png)
You will get the same results with the function CurveFitting:-Spline
Construct yield term structures based on piecewise interpolation of the given discount rates and forward rates.
| (3.28) |
| (3.29) |