Units[GetSystem] - list units in a system of units
Calling Sequence
symbol; system name
The function GetSystem(system) returns all units in a system of units.
For an existing system system, the call AddSystem(system, GetSystem(system)) recreates an equivalent system. The calling sequence AddSystem(system, check, GetSystem(system), new_unit) redefines the system by including new_unit and ensuring that new_unit does not have the same dimension as any of the existing units in system.
![steradian[SI], erg[standard]/second[SI], kyne[standard], gram[SI], erg[standard], second[SI], gal[standard], centimeter[SI]^3, dyne[standard]*centimeter[SI](radius), dyne[standard], centimeter[SI], barye[standard], dollar[US], radian[SI], centimeter[SI]^2, kelvin[SI]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6464/file03271/math66.png)
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Add the ampere to the MKS system of units and rename it the MKSA system.
If infolevel is set to a greater integer (possible settings are 1 through 5), more detailed information about the computation method is displayed.
convert/system: converting to the units A*s
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See Also
convert/system, infolevel, Units, Units/Commands, Units/Index, Units/Systems, Units[AddSystem], Units[GetSystems], Units[HasSystem], Units[RemoveSystem], Units[UseSystem], Units[UsingSystem]
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