Titchmarsh ODEs
The general form of the Titchmarsh ODE is given by:
Titchmarsh_ode := diff(y(x),x,x)+(lambda-x^(2*n))*y(x)=0;
| (1) |
where n is an integer. See Hille, "Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations", p. 617.
All linear second order homogeneous ODEs can be transformed into first order ODEs of Riccati type by giving the symmetry [0,y] to dsolve (all linear homogeneous ODEs have this symmetry) or by calling convert (see convert,ODEs).
| (2) |
Reduction to Riccati by giving the symmetry to dsolve
![ans := y(x) = `&where`(exp(Int(_b(_a), _a)+_C1), [{diff(_b(_a), _a) = -_b(_a)^2-lambda+_a^(2*n)}, {_a = x, _b(_a) = (diff(y(x), x))/y(x)}, {x = _a, y(x) = exp(Int(_b(_a), _a)+_C1)}])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7245/file04362/math52.png)
| (3) |
The reduced ODE above is of Riccati type:
| (4) |
| (5) |
Converting this ODE into a first order ODE of Riccati type

| (6) |
In the answer returned by convert, there are the Riccati ODE and the transformation of variables used. Changes of variables in ODEs can be performed using ?PDEtools[dchange]. For example, using the transformation of variables above, we can recover the result returned by convert.
See Also
DEtools, odeadvisor, dsolve, and ?odeadvisor,<TYPE> where <TYPE> is one of: quadrature, missing, reducible, linear_ODEs, exact_linear, exact_nonlinear, sym_Fx, linear_sym, Bessel, Painleve, Halm, Gegenbauer, Duffing, ellipsoidal, elliptic, erf, Emden, Jacobi, Hermite, Lagerstrom, Laguerre, Liouville, Lienard, Van_der_Pol, Titchmarsh; for other differential orders see odeadvisor,types.