DEtools[formal_sol] - formal solutions of a homogeneous linear ODE
Calling Sequence
formal_sol(L, domain, T, opt)
formal_sol(eqn, dvar, T, opt)
homogeneous linear differential equation
dependent variable, for instance
differential operator representing an homogeneous linear differential equation (see DEtools[de2diffop])
list containing two names representing the differential algebra, for instance
(optional) name, used in the output to represent , where is the expansion point, is the ramification index and some constant
(optional), any of x = x0 to expand around x0, order = n to compute the first n terms or groundfield = [RootOf(...), ...] .
The input is a differential operator L or a linear ODE (ordinary differential equation) eqn having rational function coefficients.
The output is a list of lists. Each of these lists contains one type of formal solution; those solutions that can be written with the same (see below for a description) are grouped together in the same list.
The generalized exponents of the ODE are the generalized exponents of the formal solutions of the differential equation. The number of generalized exponents equals the order if we count with multiplicity.
The name T, when specified, is used to denote times a constant, where r is the ramification index. formal_sol computes the formal solutions and expresses them in terms of T. The relation between T and is given in the output as well, in each list containing one type of formal solution.
By default the number of terms to be computed is given by the variable Order. To obtain a different number of terms, use the optional argument where is the desired number of terms.
If the argument domain is omitted then the differential algebra specified by the environment variable _Envdiffopdomain is used. If this environment variable is not set then the argument domain may not be omitted.
Instead of a differential operator, the input can also be a linear homogeneous ODE having rational function coefficients. In this case, the second argument dvar must be the dependent variable.
This function is part of the DEtools package, and so it can be used in the form formal_sol(..) only after executing the command with(DEtools). However, it can always be accessed through the long form of the command by using DEtools[formal_sol](..).
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![[series(1+O((x-1)^3),x = 1,3), (x-1)^3*exp(-RootOf(1+_Z^2, index = 1)/(x-1))*(series(1+(3*RootOf(1+_Z^2, index = 1))*(x-1)-12*(x-1)^2+O((x-1)^3),x = 1,3)), (x-1)^3*exp(-RootOf(1+_Z^2, index = 2)/(x-1))*(series(1+(3*RootOf(1+_Z^2, index = 2))*(x-1)-12*(x-1)^2+O((x-1)^3),x = 1,3))]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6482/file01332/math470.png)
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Giving the optional argument T, a 'name', the output is expansion in T, making more evident the structure of the series, and the equation relating T to the independent variable x indicates what the ramification index is (in this example: one)
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Note also that the output is given only up to conjugation over the field of definition of the input. So, to obtain a basis of the formal solutions, the conjugate (replace by ) solution needs to be added as well. One can increase the field of definition with the option groundfield:
![[[series(1+O(T^3),T,3), T = x-1], [T^3*exp(RootOf(1+_Z^2)/T)*(series(1-(3*RootOf(1+_Z^2))*T-12*T^2+O(T^3),T,3)), T = x-1], [T^3*exp(-RootOf(1+_Z^2)/T)*(series(1+(3*RootOf(1+_Z^2))*T-12*T^2+O(T^3),T,3)), T = x-1]]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6482/file01332/math500.png)
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An example with solutions of ramification index 2, so x = some constant times T^2, as well as solutions of ramification index 3 (so x = some constant times T^3):
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Compare the series structures above with the structure of the output obtained without giving the optional name T:
![[(-x)^(5/3)*exp(-3/(-x)^(1/3))*(1-(43/9)*(-x)^(1/3)+O((-x)^(2/3))), -(-x)^(5/3)*(-1)^(1/3)*exp(3*(-1)^(1/3)/(-x)^(1/3))*(1-(43/9)*(-x)^(1/3)*(-1)^(2/3)+O(-(-x)^(2/3)*(-1)^(1/3))), (-x)^(5/3)*(-1)^(2/3)*exp(-3*(-1)^(2/3)/(-x)^(1/3))*(1+(43/9)*(-x)^(1/3)*(-1)^(1/3)+O((-x)^(2/3)*(-1)^(2/3))), (-x)^(19/4)*exp(-2/(-x)^(1/2))*(1+(3/16)*(-x)^(1/2)+O(-x)), (-(-x)^(1/2))^(19/2)*exp(2/(-x)^(1/2))*(1-(3/16)*(-x)^(1/2)+O(-x))]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6482/file01332/math531.png)
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The next ode has (generalized) exponents and at . This means that the dominant term in the formal solutions at will be resp. . The variable is here, so the ramification index is 1.
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The generalized exponents at are and where now (since is , the ramification index is again 1). Each generalized exponent describes the dominant term in a formal solution. So the dominant term in the formal solutions at will be resp. which is resp. . Since is not a constant, the ode is irregular singular at .
![[[T^mu*(series(1+(-mu+nu*mu-mu^2)*T+O(T^2),T,2)), T = 1/x], [T^(nu-mu)*exp(1/T)*(series(1+(-nu*mu+nu+mu^2-mu)*T+O(T^2),T,2)), T = 1/x]]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6482/file01332/math598.png)
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By solving the indicial equation one finds the exponents (exponents = those generalized exponents that are constants). At both generalized exponents are constant, so both are exponents. At one finds only one exponent, because only one of the two generalized exponents is a constant.
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Note that formal_sol also allows ode's with coefficients that are not rational functions, but only if they are meromorphic at the specified point. For example, sin(x) is meromorphic at x=0 but not at , so the following example will fail at .
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![[[series(1-(1/2)*T^2-(1/3)*T^3-(3/8)*T^4-(4/5)*T^5+O(T^6),T,6), T = x], [T^2*exp(-1/T)*(series(1-(11/6)*T+(433/72)*T^2-(159613/6480)*T^3+(19390253/155520)*T^4-(24592869013/32659200)*T^5+O(T^6),T,6)), T = x]]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6482/file01332/math648.png)
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Ince, E.L. Ordinary Differential Equations, Chap. XVI-XVII. New York: Dover Publications, 1956.
van Hoeij, M. "Formal Solutions and Factorization of Differential Operators with Power Series Coefficients." Journal of Symbolic Computation. Vol. 24, (1997): 1-30.