MathieuCE, MathieuSE - The even and odd periodic Mathieu functions
MathieuA, MathieuB - The characteristic value functions
MathieuC, MathieuS - The even and odd general Mathieu functions
MathieuFloquet - Floquet solution of Mathieu's equation
MathieuCPrime, MathieuSPrime, MathieuFloquetPrime, MathieuCEPrime, MathieuSEPrime - The first derivatives of the Mathieu functions
MathieuExponent - The characteristic exponent function
Calling Sequence
MathieuCE(n, q, x)
MathieuCEPrime(n, q, x)
MathieuSE(n, q, x)
MathieuSEPrime(n, q, x)
MathieuA(n, q)
MathieuB(n, q)
MathieuC(a, q, x)
MathieuCPrime(a, q, x)
MathieuS(a, q, x)
MathieuSPrime(a, q, x)
MathieuFloquet(a, q, x)
MathieuFloquetPrime(a, q, x)
MathieuExponent(a, q)
algebraic expression (the order or index), understood to be a non-negative integer
a, q
algebraic expressions (parameters)
algebraic expression (argument)
The Mathieu functions MathieuC(a, q, x) and MathieuS(a, q, x) are solutions of the Mathieu differential equation:
MathieuC and MathieuS are even and odd functions of x, respectively.
For countably many values of a (as a function of q), MathieuC and MathieuS are 2*Pi-periodic. For , MathieuA(n, q) is the nth such characteristic value for MathieuC, and for , MathieuB(n, q) is the nth characteristic value for MathieuS. The resulting Mathieu functions are:
where and are normalization constants depending on n and q.
If the index n is even, then both MathieuCE and MathieuSE are Pi-periodic; they are 2*Pi-periodic otherwise. MathieuCE and MathieuSE are even and odd functions of x, respectively.
MathieuFloquet(a, q, x) is a Floquet solution of Mathieu's equation. It has the form:
where is the characteristic exponent and is a Pi periodic function.
MathieuCPrime, MathieuSPrime, MathieuCEPrime, MathieuSEPrime, and MathieuFloquetPrime are the first derivatives with respect to x of the corresponding Mathieu functions. Note that all higher order derivatives can be written in terms of the 0th and 1st derivatives.
The odd and even Mathieu functions are related to the Floquet solution via:
The various Mathieu functions are normalized as follows.
where P is as given in the definition of the Floquet solution.
The normalizations of MathieuCE, MathieuSE, and their derivatives coincide with the ones in [1] (see references below), except for .
MathieuExponent is an inverse to both MathieuA and MathieuB in the following sense.
where is an integer.
For q = 0, the Mathieu functions assume special values:
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
| (8) |
| (9) |
| (10) |
| (11) |
| (12) |
[1] Abramowitz, M., and Stegun, I., eds. Handbook of Mathematical Functions. New York: Dover Publications.
[2] Frenkel, D., and Portugal, R. "Algebraic methods to compute Mathieu functions." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 34. (2001): 3541-3551.
[3] McLachlan, N. W. Theory and Applications of Mathieu Functions. Oxford University Press.