Overview of the OreTools[Converters] Subpackage
Calling Sequence
The OreTools[Converters] subpackage provides conversion functions among Ore polynomials, linear functional equations and usual polynomials.
Each command in the OreTools[Converters] subpackage can be accessed by using either the long form or the short form of the command name in the command calling sequence.
Note that this subpackage was previously called OreTools[Convertors]. Commands using the old calling sequence will still compile, but it is recommended that you use the Converters calling sequence.
List of OreTools[Converters] Subpackage Commands
The following is a list of available commands in the OreTools[Converters] subpackage.
See Also
args, coeff, collect, error, eval, indets, LREtools[REcreate], map, nops, op, OreTools, OreTools/OreAlgebra, OreTools/OrePoly, OreTools[Properties][GetVariable], OreTools[SetOreRing], proc, seq, subs, type/name
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