Change Cell Content
Modify cell content when changing data in the spreadsheet.
Double-click the cell that contains the information to change.
Select the data to change, and enter the new information.
To accept the data, press Enter. To ignore your changes and revert to the previous version, click
Using the Context Menu for Spreadsheets
The context menu for spreadsheets contains the same commands as the Spreadsheet menu (at the top of the worksheet) plus three additional commands: Cut, Copy, and Paste.
Copying Data from a Spreadsheet to a Worksheet
You can copy cell contents from a spreadsheet and paste data into a worksheet by using the context menu.
Select a block of cells in the spreadsheet.
Right-click the spreadsheet to activate the context-sensitive menu.
Select Copy (or Cut, depending on the task required).
Place the cursor in the worksheet.
Right-click and select Paste. The Matrix command corresponding to the contents of the cell is pasted. For specific details related to pasting data in worksheets, see Copy and Paste Expressions.
Copying Data from a Worksheet to a Spreadsheet
You can copy text or executed Maple Input from a worksheet and paste it into a spreadsheet by using the context menu.
Select Maple Input or text in the worksheet.
Right-click to activate the context menu.
Place the cursor in a spreadsheet cell.
Right-click and select Paste.
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