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A Striking Difference between Linear and Nonlinear Oscillators Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 2:00 PM
Top 10 Resources for Teaching Linear Algebra with Maple Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 10:00 AM
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Length: 33 Minutes Presenter: Maplesoft Product: MapleSim
Nesta webinar, continuaremos a estudar o MapleSim através da construção de modelos, usando componentes que o MapleSim já possui e também através da construção de componentes construídas pelo usuário. Além disso, vamos apren...
Length: 55 Minutes Presenter: Maplesoft Product: MapleSim
Dans le cadre de la réforme STI2D (Sciences et technologies de l’industrie et du développement durable), Maplesoft propose le seul outil de modélisation permettant aux enseignants et aux étudiants de conserver le sens physique. En effet, grâce &ag...
Length: 45 Minutes Presenter: Maplesoft Product: Maple
Como construir um subsistema ou componente personalizado com o MapleSim, com o uso de Templates do Maple para analizar equações, modificar parâmetros, etc.
Length: 42 Minutes Presenter: Maplesoft Product: MapleSim
This Webinar provides the knowledge for going beyond basic modeling and simulation using MapleSim. It is intended for users who have some experience with MapleSim. Topics include custom component creation from equations, user-defined tables and datasets, extending templates using Maple code, multibo...
Length: 43 Minutes Presenter: Maplesoft Product: MapleSim
In this introductory webinar, users will learn how to use some of MapleSim’s templates to further investigate their models. The templates to be reviewed are Equation Generation, Analysis, Code Generation, Optimization, and Custom Components.