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AAC&U Webinar: How to Transform Your Math Class into a Thinking Classroom Experience Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 2:00 PM
MapleSim Web Handling Library 2024新機能のご紹介 Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 1:00 AM
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Length: 36 Minutes Presenter: Lance Gooden Product: Maple
What role does faculty confidence and skills play in the use of a Computer Algebra System (CAS) in increasing student success in college calculus courses? In this webinar, Lance Gooden from Johnston Community College discusses his efforts to implement Maple within the classroom in the Calculus seque...
Length: 37 Minutes Presenter: Michael Monagan Product: Maple
Using Leslie Matrices as Application of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in a First Course in Linear Algebra from Michael Monagan at the Maple Conference 2019.
Length: 74 Minutes Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez Product: Maple
In this webinar, Dr. Lopez will apply the techniques of “Clickable Calculus” to standard calculations in Linear Algebra. Clickable Calculus™, the idea of powerful mathematics delivered using very visual, interactive point-and-click methods, offers educators a new generation of ...
Length: 56 Minutes Presenter: Maplesoft Product: Maple
"Clickable Calculus" bezieht sich auf Maple's bemerkenswerten Satz von GUI-Features, die gängige mathematische Operationen mit einfachen Mausklicks erlauben. Maple ist einzigartig unter den professionellen Mathematik-Tools und bietet sowohl starke Rechenroutinen als auch eine Benutzeroberfl&aum...
Length: 53 Minutes Presenter: Maplesoft Product: Maple
Nessa apresentação, estudaremos tópicos e aplicações de Cálculo Vetorial e Álgebra Linear com o Maple 16 como: retas, planos, cônicas, as superfícies quádricas, campos conservativos e os teoremas de Green e Stokes, usando comandos ...
Length: 59 Minutes Presenter: Maplesoft Product: Maple
Nessa apresentação, continuaresmo o estudo da Álgebra Linear utilizando a partir de aplicações em sistemas de EDOs, sistemas de equações modelando problemas reais entre outros. Utilizaremos os comandos do Maple e os tutores e ferramentas interativas s...
Length: 57 Minutes Presenter: Maplesoft Product: Maple
Iniciaremos o estudo da Álgebra Linear com uma abordagem básica, aprendendo como trabalhar com matrizes, determinantes e sistemas lineares e muitos outros tópicos com Maple. Usaremos comandos e pacotes do Maple e também os tutores para realizar os cálculos, e poste...
"Clickable Calculus" réside dans un ensemble remarquable d’interfaces utilisateur qui rendent les opérations mathématiques communes accessibles par de simples clics de souris. Maple propose cette fonctionnalité unique parmi les outils mathématiques, associa...