Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

In-depth information and demonstrations of Maplesoft products

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Managing Engineering Calculations as Knowledge Assets with the Maple Connector for SysML

Length: 33 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

In response to the need for tighter integration between architectural (MBSE) systems models and analyses that support the design information that goes into them, Maplesoft has recently launched the Maple Connector for SysML. This Connector allows parametric information – parameter values, engi...

MapleSim in Action: Connecting Models of Robotic Manipulators to Control Systems

Length: 41 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

The commissioning of new systems is typically a lengthy, iterative process. The use of digital models of your machines or products can greatly speed up this timeline. This presentation focuses on connectivity options between digital models and automation development tools. Taking the example of a ro...

Recent Enhancements in MapleMBSE: Improving your Connectivity & Management of SE processes

Length: 22 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleMBSE

Companies are finding MapleMBSE boosts productivity by providing a robust, easy-to-use interface when connecting stakeholders to the system model to make updates. In this webinar, the Maplesoft team pick from recent solution releases to share new and productive features that speed up the systems eng...

Validating your Capella Model with MapleMBSE

Length: 47 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleMBSE

A common concern when developing models is determining the quality of the model, and ensuring that it fulfills its intended purpose. Following the ARCADIA methodology, you can ensure that you maintain consistency and traceability in your modeling process. However, you also need to verify that you ...

Managing requirements using MapleMBSE and the Capella Requirements Add-on

Length: 44 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple,MapleMBSE

Requirements Management is critical to a project and the Capella Requirements Viewpoint was introduced to ease this process by integrating data from standard Requirements-Management tools through the Requirement Interchange Format (ReqIF) In this workshop you will see how simple it is to view and...

EtherNet/IP Communication with MapleSim Insight using CODESYS

Length: 32 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

In this webinar, we look at MapleSim Insight’s capability to run FMUs and communicate using EtherNet/IP. You will see a complete example starting from a model in MapleSim with FMU generation, then PLC programming, and culminating in live, real-time, communication. We utilize CODESYS to emulate...

Introducing MapleMBSE 2020.1

Length: 42 Minutes
Presenter: Bharani Mohan
Product: MapleMBSE

See many of the customer-driven enhancements in the latest version of MapleMBSE, including: Improved performance for importing large amounts of data Improved usability with shortcuts, starting a new session, and more control in updating the model with local changes Flexible model qu...

Maple Conference 2019 - Transforming Maple into an Intelligent Model-Tracing Math Tutor

Length: 33 Minutes
Presenter: Dimitrios Sklavakis
Product: Maple

Transforming Maple into an Intelligent Model-Tracing Math Tutor presented by Dimitrios Sklavakis at the Maple Conference 2019.

MapleSim pour l'enseignement en STI2D

Length: 55 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Dans le cadre de la réforme STI2D (Sciences et technologies de l’industrie et du développement durable), Maplesoft propose le seul outil de modélisation permettant aux enseignants et aux étudiants de conserver le sens physique. En effet, grâce &ag...

Accélérez vos développements avec la conception à base de modèle analytique

Length: 49 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Ces dernières années ont vu apparaître et se développer les techniques de Model Based Design, le développement à base de modèles. Il existe schématiquement deux grandes catégories de modèles, liées aux outils de modél...