Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

In-depth information and demonstrations of Maplesoft products

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Maple Conference 2019 - Using Leslie Matrices as Application of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in a First Course in Linear Algebra

Length: 37 Minutes
Presenter: Michael Monagan
Product: Maple

Using Leslie Matrices as Application of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in a First Course in Linear Algebra from Michael Monagan at the Maple Conference 2019.

Eigenvalue Problems for ODEs

Length: 29 Minutes
Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez
Product: Maple

Although Maple's dsolve command only provides numeric solutions for the Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem, it is possible to coax Maple into providing analytic solutions as well. This webinar will show how to implement the relevant calculations, and will do so via syntax-free techniques.