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Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) refers to the way in which businesses regulate themselves in order to ensure that their activities positively affect society. This policy outlines Maplesoft’s commitment to work ethically, considering human rights as well as the social, economic and environmental impacts of our business.
Core Values
Maplesoft adheres to the following core values:
Respect: Respect is the foundation on which everything else is built. We recognize and appreciate the importance of everyone’s role.
Community: Foster a community of teamwork, collaboration and transparency. We achieve greater results when working together in an informal, fun and balanced environment.
Accountability: Take ownership of all tasks and responsibilities. We honour our commitments and we acknowledge and learn from our mistakes.
Passion and Pride: We are constantly pursuing excellence. We find inspiration in the work we do and meaning in the product we create. We pride ourselves on building one of the top software products in the world and we are excited about the future.
Advancing Knowledge: We are always innovating; we are always moving forward. We seek new and better ways to serve our customers and solve problems. We are continually growing and learning, as a company and as individuals. We are not only advancing our product, but advancing knowledge.
Maplesoft Cares
At Maplesoft, we strive to foster a sustainable future and contribute meaningful improvements in our communities.
In 2019 we founded the Maplesoft Cares committee. This cross-departmental group of Maplesoft employees meets regularly to develop and launch initiatives to contribute to the protection of our environment and to give back to the communities in which we operate.
Protecting the Environment
At Maplesoft, we are always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and support sustainability. Initiatives such as buying carbon offsets for all corporate flights, incentives to use public transportation and food composting in our offices highlight our commitment to protecting our environment. We strive to reduce plastic, paper and energy consumption in our offices.
Community Engagement
At Maplesoft, we give back to the communities in which we do business. We donate funds to local charities, including those selected by our employees, and encourage employees to participate in fundraising initiatives. We look for opportunities to support education and STEM initiatives around the world as well as local community programs.
We support and sponsor local events and initiatives and have a close working relationship with academic institutions and community organizations in our region.
Maplesoft as an Employer
Maplesoft is committed to being a fair and reputable employer. We value open communication and respect for all.
Equal Employment Opportunities: Maplesoft is committed to providing equal employment opportunities without regard to race, colour, sex, age, disability, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, or political belief or activity.
Accessibility: Maplesoft is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their integrity and independence. We are committed to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in a respectful and timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility. Read our Accessibility Policy.
Respect in the Workplace: Maplesoft is committed to maintaining a work environment in which all employees are treated with respect and dignity. Discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, bullying or violence toward Maplesoft employees will not be tolerated from any person in the workplace including clients, other employees, supervisors, business partners or members of the public.
Safety at Work: Safety at work is our number one priority. It is our shared duty to ensure that we maintain a healthy and safe working environment.
Compensation: Maplesoft is committed to providing a comprehensive compensation and benefits package that is competitive with other employers in our industry and the area.
Maplesoft as a Service Provider
Maplesoft is proud to list academic institutions as well as corporate organizations as our customers. We value the relationships we have with our customers and are committed to dealing with them in a fair and respectful manner throughout the sales, service and support process.
We interact regularly with our customers to understand how they are using our product and listen to and incorporate their feedback whenever practical. We respond to technical and service issues promptly and thoroughly.
Our Suppliers
At Maplesoft, we chose to do business with local suppliers whenever possible. We select suppliers who are committed to ethical and sustainable practices. We deal fairly with all suppliers.
Measurement and Reporting
We review our CSR program on a quarterly basis and share information about accomplishments, results and initiatives with our employees.