Weyl algebras are algebras of linear differential operators with polynomial coefficients. They are particular cases of Ore algebras.
A Weyl algebra is an algebra of noncommutative polynomials in the indeterminates ruled by the following commutation relations:
Any other pair of indeterminates commute.
In the previous equation, x_i and D_i represent multiplication by x_i and differentiation with respect to x_i respectively. The (noncommutative) inner product in the Ore algebra represents the composition of operators. Therefore, the identity reduces to the Leibniz rule:
Since Weyl algebras are particular cases of Ore algebras, you can use most commands of the Ore_algebra package on Weyl algebras without knowing the definition of Ore algebras. For details, see Ore_algebra.
More specifically, Weyl algebras are defined as operators with polynomial coefficients.
The commands available for Weyl algebras are most of those of the Ore_algebra package, namely the following.
Calculations in an algebra
The skew_algebra and diff_algebra commands declare new algebras to work with. They return a table needed by other Ore_algebra procedures. The diff_algebra command creates a Weyl algebra. The skew_algebra command creates a general Ore algebra, but can also be used to create a Weyl algebra. (The latter alternative is in fact more convenient in the case of Weyl algebras with numerous commutative parameters.)
The skew_product and skew_power commands implement the arithmetic of Weyl algebras. Skew polynomials in a Weyl algebra are represented by commutative polynomials of Maple. The sum of skew polynomials is performed using the Maple `+` command. Their product, however, is performed using the skew_product command. Correspondingly, powers of skew polynomials are computed using the skew_power command.
The rand_skew_poly command generates a random element of a Weyl algebra.
The applyopr command applies an operator of a Weyl algebra to a function.
The annihilators, skew_pdiv, skew_prem, skew_gcdex, and skew_elim commands implement a skew Euclidean algorithm in Weyl algebras and provide with related functionalities, such as computing remainders, gcds, (limited) elimination. The annihilators command makes it possible to compute a lcm of two skew polynomials. The skew_pdiv command computes pseudo-divisions in a Weyl algebra, while skew_prem simply computes corresponding pseudo-remainders. The skew_gcdex command performs extended gcd computation in a Weyl algebra. When possible, the skew_elim command eliminates an indeterminate between two skew polynomials.
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