Task Templates - Maple Features - Maplesoft


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Task Templates

Task templates provide convenient, fill-in-the-blank problem solving for over 300 tasks. A wide range of topics are covered. Examples include:  “Identify the Type of an ODE,” “Basis for a Set of Vectors,” “Tolerances,” and “Least Squares Approximation.”

Many templates use point-and-click components, turning them into mini-calculators. Others provide the command or sequence of commands that you need to accomplish your task; simply “fill in the blanks” with your own values to find the solution.  These commands can also be reused, copied, or inserted in your own Maple procedures.

Each template includes a brief explanation and a template example.

Task templates cover a variety of topic areas, including:

Watch a Demonstration

The following demonstrations illustrate the use of task templates

  • The Student Experience
    Maple provides an innovative, enriching experience for students that allows them to become instantly productive and engaged in learning, without extra tutorials or instruction. This brief demonstration highlights several aspects of Maple designed especially for students.