Student[LinearAlgebra][RandomMatrix] - construct a random Matrix
Student[LinearAlgebra][RandomVector] - construct a random Vector
Calling Sequence
RandomMatrix(r, c, options)
RandomVector[o](d, options)
non-negative integer; row dimension of the resulting Matrix
(optional) non-negative integer; column dimension of the resulting Matrix
(optional) use either [row] or [column] to specify the orientation of the resulting Vector
(optional) non-negative integer; dimension of the resulting Vector
(optional) parameters; for a complete list, see LinearAlgebra[RandomMatrix]
The RandomMatrix(r, c) command returns an Matrix in which all entries have integer values in the range .
The RandomMatrix(r) command returns an Matrix in which all entries have integer values in the range .
The RandomVector(d) command returns a d-dimensional Vector in which all entries have integer entries in the range .
The RandomVector[row](d) command behaves like RandomVector(d), except that a row Vector is returned. If the orientation option is omitted or if RandomVector[column](d) is used, a column Vector is returned.
If the dimension is not provided, it defaults to 0.
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