Maple での課題
Maple ではワークシートでインタラクティブな課題を作成することが出来ます。例えば:
Maple T.A. Multiple Choice Question
Using the multiple choice question type, you can create a question with a number of choices from which the student must select the single correct response. For information on using Maple T.A. question tasks and converting them to Maple T.A. format, see
help page title
Algorithmic Variables
1. Algorithmic variables can be used to create questions that contain randomly generated parameters. Define your algorithmic variables in the following execution group. If required, add more execution groups. You can refer to algorithmic variables in other variable definitions and in the other sections of this question, including in 2-D math, by putting a "${" and "}" around the variable name. For example, x:=${myvariable}.
> |
variable := expression; |
( |
2. The question can contain text, 2-D math, plots, images, and algorithmic variables.
3. You must specify all the choices to display to the student. Enter the choices in the following table. Choices can contain text, 2-D math, plots, images, and algorithmic variables. Select the radio button beside the correct response.
Maple は数式計算システムである
Maple 最新技術の数値計算ソルバーが搭載されている
Maple はインタラクティブな数学ドキュメントを作成できる
4. Maple T.A. displays hints when the student requests them. Enter your hints in the following table. Hints can contain text, 2-D math, and algorithmic variables. Hints can also refer to ${RESPONSE} (the student response) and ${ANSWER} (the correct answer). You can provide up to three hints.
Maple can compute the inverse of a matrix with a million floating-point entries, very quickly.
Maple will return exact and symbolic results, in addition to computing numeric approximations.
Several textbooks were produced using Maple as the authoring environment.

5. Maple T.A. displays feedback after the student completes a question. The feedback can contain text, 2-D math, and algorithmic variables. The feedback can also refer to ${RESPONSE} and ${ANSWER}.
This is true. However, there is much more to Maple than just symbolics
Indeed. However, Maple can go way beyond traditional numeric computations
Absolutely, but Maple is able to perform high-end mathematical computations.
That's absolutely correct!

これらの問題はオンラインテスト&評価システムである Maple T.A. に出力できます。