Statistics[Variation] - compute the coefficient of variation
Calling Sequence
Variation(A, ds_options)
Variation(X, rv_options)
Array or Matrix data set; data sample
algebraic; random variable or distribution
(optional) equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of ignore, or weights; specify options for computing the coefficient of variation of a data set
(optional) equation of the form numeric=value; specifies options for computing the coefficient of variation of a random variable
The Variation function computes the coefficient of variation of the specified random variable or data set.
By default, all computations involving random variables are performed symbolically (see option numeric below).
All computations involving data are performed in floating-point; therefore, all data provided must have type realcons and all returned solutions are floating-point, even if the problem is specified with exact values.
Data Set Options
The ds_options argument can contain one or more of the options shown below. More information for some options is available in the Statistics[DescriptiveStatistics] help page.
ignore=truefalse -- This option controls how missing data is handled by the Variation command. Missing items are represented by undefined or Float(undefined). So, if ignore=false and A contains missing data, the Variation command will return undefined. If ignore=true all missing items in A will be ignored. The default value is false.
weights=Vector -- Data weights. The number of elements in the weights array must be equal to the number of elements in the original data sample. By default all elements in A are assigned weight .
Random Variable Options
The rv_options argument can contain one or more of the options shown below. More information for some options is available in the Statistics[RandomVariables] help page.
numeric=truefalse -- By default, the coefficient of variation is computed using exact arithmetic. To compute the coefficient of variation numerically, specify the numeric or numeric = true option.
The A parameter was updated in Maple 16.
Compute the coefficient of variation of the beta distribution with parameters p and q.
| (1) |
Use numeric parameters.
| (2) |
| (3) |
Generate a random sample of size 100000 drawn from the above distribution and compute the sample variation.
| (4) |
Compute the standard error of the sample variation for the normal distribution with parameters 5 and 2.
| (5) |
| (6) |
Compute the coefficient of variation of a weighted data set.
| (7) |
| (8) |
Consider the following Matrix data set.
| (9) |
We compute the coefficient of variation of each of the columns.
| (10) |
Stuart, Alan, and Ord, Keith. Kendall's Advanced Theory of Statistics. 6th ed. London: Edward Arnold, 1998. Vol. 1: Distribution Theory.