Factors - inert factors function
Calling Sequence
Factors(a, K)
multivariate polynomial
optional specification for an algebraic extension
The Factors function is a placeholder for representing the factorization of the multivariate polynomial a over U, a unique factorization domain. The construct Factors(a) produces a data structure of the form such that , where each f[i] is a primitive irreducible polynomial.
The difference between the Factors function and the Factor function is only the form of the result. The Factor function, if defined, returns a Maple sum of products more suitable for interactive display and manipulation.
The call Factors(a) mod p computes the factorization of a over the integers modulo p, a prime integer. The polynomial a must have rational coefficients or coefficients over a finite field specified by RootOfs.
The call Factors(a, K) mod p computes the factorization over the finite field defined by K, an algebraic extension of the integers mod p where K is a RootOf.
The call modp1(Factors(a),p) computes the factorization of the polynomial a in the representation modulo p a prime integer.
The call evala(Factors(a, K)) computes the factorization of the polynomial a over an algebraic number (or function) field defined by the extension K, which is specified as a RootOf or a set of RootOfs. The polynomial a must have algebraic number (or function) coefficients. The factors are monic for the ordering of the variables chosen by Maple.
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