OreTools[Add] - add several Ore polynomials
OreTools[Minus] - subtract two Ore polynomials
OreTools[ScalarMultiply] - multiply an Ore polynomial on the left by a scalar
OreTools[Multiply] - multiply several Ore polynomials
Calling Sequence
Add(Ore1, ..., Orek)
Minus(Ore1, Ore2)
ScalarMultiply(s, Ore1)
Multiply(Ore1, ..., Orek, A)
Ore1, Ore2, ..., Orek
Ore polynomials; to define an Ore polynomial, use the OrePoly structure.
scalar from the coefficient domain
Ore algebra; to define an Ore algebra, use the SetOreRing function.
The Add(Ore1, ..., Orek) calling sequence adds the Ore polynomials Ore1,..., Orek.
The Minus(Ore1, Ore2) calling sequence subtracts the Ore polynomial Ore2 from the Ore polynomial Ore1.
The ScalarMultiply(s, Ore1) calling sequence multiplies the Ore polynomial Ore1 on the left by the scalar s.
The Multiply(Ore1, ..., Orek, A) calling sequence multiplies the t Ore polynomials Ore1, ..., Orek in the Ore algebra A.
Define the shift algebra.
| (1) |
Perform arithmetic operations.
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |

| (7) |