StringTools[PadLeft] - pad a string out to a given width on the left
StringTools[PadRight] - pad a string on the right to a given width
StringTools[Center] - centre a string in a given width
Calling Sequence
PadLeft( s, width )
PadRight( s, width )
Center( s, width )
Maple string; string to be padded
non-negative integer; width of the resulting string
The PadLeft(s, width) command adds spaces to the left of the string s to produce a string of length equal to width. If width is less than or equal to the length of s, then s is returned unchanged.
The PadRight(s, width) command adds spaces to the right of the string s to produce a string of length width. If width is less than or equal to the length of s, then s is returned unchanged.
The Center(s, width) command adds spaces to both ends of the string s to produce a string of length width. If width - length(s) is even, then an equal number of spaces are added to the left and right ends of s. If width - length(s) is odd, then the extra space is added to the left of s.
The StringTools[TrimLeft], StringTools[TrimRight] and StringTools[Trim] commands are approximate inverses of PadLeft, PadRight and Center, respectively.
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The Trim* procedures are approximate inverses to the Pad* and Center procedures.
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The TrimLeft procedure is not quite an inverse of PadLeft, however.
| (13) |
Similar remarks apply to TrimRight and Trim.