StringTools[WrapText] - wrap long lines of text
Calling Sequence
WrapText( text, width, opts )
string; Maple string
posint; (optional) width
The WrapText(text, width) calling sequence attempts to wrap long lines in the string text to a specified width width by inserting line breaks in the text to break lines longer than width bytes. Line breaks inserted by the command are inserted between ``words'' in the input; a word is defined to be a maximal contiguous sequence of non-space characters. Any word longer than width is not broken, but appears on a line by itself in the output.
The width argument is optional, and is equal to by default. It must be a positive integer.
Tab characters in the input string text are expanded, by default. An option of the form or may be passed to control tab expansion, where n is a positive integer and loi is a strictly increasing sequence of positive integers. See StringTools[ExpandTabs].