Save a Maple Worksheet or Document
Resave the current worksheet or document under its current filename, or save a new worksheet or document under a specified name.
From the File menu, select Save. If the worksheet or document was previously saved, it is resaved under the same filename.
If the worksheet or document is new, the Save As dialog box opens. Enter a filename and location.
Saving a Worksheet or Document with Maple T.A. Content
When you save a worksheet or document with Maple T.A. content, the authoring and assignment modes determine what the user sees when opening your worksheet.
If you save the worksheet in authoring mode (task template contents visible) then the user sees this content when opening the worksheet.
If you save the worksheet in assignment mode (View>Assignment preview assignment), the user sees this content when opening the worksheet.
In both cases, the View>Assignment menu item is accessible. As such, users (students) can switch between the original worksheet contents and the displayed assignment.
See Also
Display a Maple T.A. Assignment, Document Mode, Export as HTML or HTML with MathML, Export as LaTeX, Export as Maple T.A., Export as Maple Text, Export as PDF, Export as Plain Text, Export as Rich Text Format (RTF), Options for AutoSave, Save a Worksheet As, trademark