Modify the Table of Contents in the Help Navigator
Modify the table of contents by inserting or deleting entries that represent user-created help pages.
The syntax for the following commands requires that each of the parameters be enclosed in quotation marks. In addition, since the backslash character is used as an escape character in Maple, to enter pathnames that use the backslash as a directory separator, you can either enter each required backslash as two backslashes, or you can use one forward slash. See the backslash reference page.
Inserting Help File Entries in the Table of Contents
Enter the following command.
INTERFACE_HELP(insert, topic = T, browser = B, library = L);
is the help topic name of the worksheet. The help topic name is used to display the help page once it has been integrated into the Maple online help system by entering ?helptopicname at a prompt.
is where to insert the help topic name in the table of contents. It is a sequence of names, separated by forward slashes, that represent each level in the table of contents.
is the full pathname of your help database directory.
INTERFACE_HELP(insert, topic = "mytopic", browser = "Mathematics/Algebra/My Topic", library = "C:\Maple\MyHelpDatabase");
Deleting Help File Entries in the Table of Contents
Enter the following command.
INTERFACE_HELP(delete, browser = B, library = L);
is where to remove the help topic name from the table of contents. It is a sequence of names, separated by forward slashes, that represent each level in the table of contents.
is the full pathname of your help database directory.
INTERFACE_HELP(delete, browser = "Mathematics/Algebra/My Topic", library = "C:\Maple\MyHelpDatabase");