AudioTools[Resample] - resamples audio data to the specified sample rate
Calling Sequence
Resample(audArray, samplesPerSec, options)
Array or Matrix containing the audio data to resample
desired sampling rate
options modifying the resampling operation
The Resample command resamples audio data, producing a new audio object with the specified sample rate.
The audArray parameter specifies the audio to resample, and must be a dense, rectangular, one or two dimensional Array, Vector, or Matrix with datatype=float[8].
The samplesPerSec parameter specifies the desired sample rate. Typical values are 11025, 22050, and 44100 samples per second.
By default, resampling is done using B-spline interpolation. This produces excellent results reasonably fast.
If the method=nearest option is specified, resampling is done using the nearest-neighbor algorithm. This produces poorer results, but the algorithm is very fast. This method is often suitable for producing low-quality resamplings of audio data.
Specifying method=bspline is equivalent to the default behavior.
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