Engine - the Java representation of the Maple math engine
The com.maplesoft.openmaple.Engine class represents the basic interface to the Maple session. Engine starts, restarts, and stops the Maple session. It also allows for the evaluation of arbitrary strings, access to Maple help pages, and the creation of new Maple objects.
Field Summary
The following constants are available from Engine.
The constant indicating that the entire help page should be returned by a call to getHelp.
The constant indicating that the usage section of a help page should be returned by a call to getHelp.
The constant indicating that the description section of a help page should be returned by a call to getHelp.
The constant indicating that the example section of a help page should be returned by a call to getHelp.
The constant indicating that the see also section of a help page should be returned by a call to getHelp.
Method Summary
The following methods are available from Engine.
Engine( String args[], EngineCallBacks cb, Object user_data, Object res )
Engine is the constructor for the Engine class. It starts a Maple session and initializes the Engine object associated with the session.
Note: Only one Engine can be created during a single run of the JVM, even after the Engine has been stopped.
void restart() throws MapleException
void stop() throws MapleException
stop shuts down the Maple session.
Algebraic evaluate( String statement ) throws MapleException
evaluate accepts a string argument and evaluates it, returning an Algebraic object as a result.
void getHelp( String topic, int section, MHelpCallBack hcb, Object data ) throws MapleException
getHelp allows the user to access the contents of a help page.
void newTable() throws MapleException
newTable creates an empty Maple table and returns a Table representing that table.
void newExpseq( int length ) throws MapleException
newExpseq creates an empty Maple expression sequence of a given length and returns an Expseq representing that expression sequence.
void newList( int length ) throws MapleException
newList creates an empty Maple list of a given length and returns a List representing that list.
void newName( String str, boolean global ) throws MapleException
newName creates a Maple name and returns a Name representing that name.
Numeric newNumeric( type n ) throws MapleException
newNumeric creates a Numeric object representing the given value. type can be one of byte, short, int, long, float or double.
void newMString( String str ) throws MapleException