QDifferenceEquations[QPochhammer] - q-Pochhammer symbol
QDifferenceEquations[QBinomial] - q-binomial coefficient
QDifferenceEquations[QBrackets] - q-brackets
QDifferenceEquations[QFactorial] - q-factorial
QDifferenceEquations[QGAMMA] - q-Gamma
Calling Sequence
QPochhammer(a, q, infinity)
QPochhammer(a, q, k)
QBinomial(n, k, q)
QBrackets(k, q)
QFactorial(k, q)
QGAMMA(a, q)
algebraic expression
name used as the parameter q, or an integer power of a name
symbolic integer value
symbolic integer value
The QDifferenceEquations package supports five q-hypergeometric terms. They are q-Pochhammer symbol, q-binomial coefficient, q-brackets, q-factorial, and q-Gamma, which correspond to the five functions QPochhammer, QBinomial, QBrackets, QFactorial, and QGAMMA.
These functions are place holders for the q-objects. The command expand allows expansion of these objects. The command allows the re-write of QBinomial, QBrackets, QFactorial, and QGAMMA in terms of QPochhammer symbols.
The five q-hypergeometric objects are defined as follows.
Note that (the compact Gasper and Rahman notation) means .
The commands QSimpComb and QSimplify are for simplification of expressions involving these q-objects.
This implementation is mainly based on the implementation by H. Boeing, W. Koepf. See the References section.
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |


| (7) |
Compute the certificate of H (which is a rational function in ):
| (8) |
Boeing, H., and Koepf, W. "Algorithms for q-hypergeometric summation in computer algebra." Journal of Symbolic Computation. Vol. 11. (1999): 1-23.